The Truth About Eternity

Eternity is a reality for everyone. Each individual will spend eternity in one of two locations, heaven or hell. Unfortunately, many Americans have fallen prey to a plethora of deceptions that have blocked this truth from our minds and as a result many have fallen prey to sloppy understanding of what lies ahead. The truth is, each of us will exist forever and that location of existence will be based on our response to Jesus Christ.

Satan declares the lies that heaven and hell are either non-existent or that only heaven exists eternally and hell is subsequently momentary. If heaven and hell are nonexistent, then life is without purpose since our life is linked to nothing bigger than the self. The concept of erasing eternity is Satan’s ploy to strip man of genuine joy and purpose in life and lead them astray toward hopelessness.

The truth is that both heaven and hell are real eternal locations of dwelling. Jesus himself speaks to reality of the existence of heaven and hell. Heaven is the place of residing for eternity for the saints who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. Heaven is the place of existence in the presence of God and the presence of living in the glory of God.

On the reverse side, Hell is the location that is best defined by separation. Often the term death is used here, but death means to be separated for all eternity from God. It will be a place of physical torment, spiritual torment, and emotional torment. Jesus taught in Luke 16 that hell is a place of separation, a place of knowing what you missed by not following Christ, and a place that can never be left.

Satan spreads the lie that eternity is defined by the moral good or evil of one’s life. This falsehood is based on the love of the self and belief that we are better than we truly are. Satan loves for people to believe that “good” people go to heaven just because of their goodness. This lie is based on the ability of man and does nothing but attempt to nullify the need of a Savior.

The truth is that no one is ever good enough to deserve heaven and that everyone is evil enough to deserve hell. The Bible is clear that no one is righteous enough to earn the favor of God (Romans 3:10). In fact, the Word of God declares that all of our deeds are like filthy rags before a Holy God (Isaiah 64:6). In fact, one singular sin is more than enough to separate us eternally from the presence of God and each of us are sinful individuals (Romans 3:23) that deserve a just punishment (Romans 6:23).

Satan proliferates the deception that what you believe does not matter. Satan is the greatest advocate of universalism. This simply means that everyone goes to heaven no matter what they believe. It holds that all belief systems have the same destination. It is based on nothing more than the pursuit of living in the desires of the flesh without having any form of ramifications. It is a lie that tarnishes the real love of God and removes God’s work of redemption as necessary.

The truth is that Jesus and Jesus alone is the one true avenue to enter into an everlasting relationship with the Lord. In John 14:6, Jesus declares that no other way to salvation is available except through a personal relationship with Jesus. The truth is that many roads do not lead to the same destination, but a singular narrow road leads to eternal blessing of life in heaven for eternity. This singular, narrow road has a name, JESUS CHRIST. Are you on the one true road? The invitation to Jesus is extended and he is awaiting your response.


Set Your Sights on Jesus


Living with Compassion