The Truth About Temptation

Every person faces various forms of temptation. Temptation entices the individual to act in a manner that opposes the ways of the Lord and guides the person to fill the longings of the flesh. Saint Bonaventure said, “Something may appear to be good, but in reality, it destroys some greater good and opens the door for more obvious evils.” Evagruis of Pontus declared, “The further the soul advances, the greater are the adversaries against which it must contend.” So what is the truth about temptation.

The Bible says, “Woe to the world because of offenses. For offenses will inevitably come, but woe to that person by whom the offenses come. If your hand or your foot causes you to fall away, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into the eternal fire.” (Matthew 18:7-8).

People need to comprehend why temptation tempts. In Genesis 3, Satan uses temptation to entice Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit. The engagement between the serpent and Eve demonstrated how temptation threatens people. First, temptation works by appearing good. Satan is the master of masking temptation so that the tempting looks good and enjoyable. The threat of good centers on the momentary enjoyment of the activity instead of the eternal fulfillment and joy found in the Lord. When one is tempted, the individual battles the momentary against the eternal based on what looks good.

Second, temptation looks fulfilling. Satan knows that each individual has a longing within themselves that desires something greater. The use of temptation provides the avenue by which a false fulfillment can be offered. The person faces the temptation to fill an ultimate hole in life with a temporary filling that fades away and leaves one longing again. The truth about temptation is that is offers momentary satisfaction that does not last.

Third, temptation appears intriguing. The tool of temptation leads down a path of fascination. Humanity lives with a sense of intrigue that often overcomes the reality of logic in one’s life. The unknown drives the person to seek after something that is opposite of the Lord’s desire. Temptation knows that curiosity killed the cat and that curiosity can blind the individual spiritually. The truth about temptation is that it tempts because it appears good, seems to offer fulfilling, and plays upon the intrigue of the individual.

If temptation hinders one, then why is temptation needed? Temptation provides an avenue by which people are tested. The testing that comes through temptation allows for the believer to demonstrate their faith through obedience. When the believer overcomes temptation by relying on the strength of the Lord and trusting in the truth of the Lord then the Lord is glorified through the faithfulness of His child. Thus, temptation gives the believer the chance to glorify the Lord through obedience.

Third, temptation provides the opportunity for believers to grow spiritually. Temptation causes believers to grow in Christ because the temptation is defeated because of Christ. When the believer relies on the Lord through the battle of the temptation the believer becomes stronger through the experience. When believers are challenged in their walk then strengthening occurs just like one strengthens physically thought training. Part of the training of believers happens in the facing of temptation.

The truth about temptation is that it offers a chance for the believer to share Christ. As the world watches the believer deal with the temptations of life, the door opens for the believer to share Jesus with the world around them. When people ask how endurance occurred, the believer can share about the power of Christ. The truth about temptation is that everyone faces it. The truth about temptation is that it does not have to conquer us. The truth about temptation is that the believer is the victor who can give victory to the believer. If you are dealing with temptation today, lean into Jesus and trust Him as your source of strength, guidance, and victory.


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