Which Jesus Do You Follow?

At the end of 2015, the Gallup Poll released data stating 75% of Americans identified with Christianity. This number was down by roughly 5% since 2008, but still stands as a overwhelming majority of individuals within our country. At the same time, we find that the gathering of the church across America is in a state of plateau or decline. The ultimate question then must be asked, “Which Jesus is being followed?”

In Acts 8, we have the account of the Gospel spreading to Samaria. There is a magician whose name is Simon who hears the gospel and is baptized. The Bible says that Simon followed after Phillip. Upon hearing what was occurring, the disciples headed to Samaria to lay on hands that the Holy Spirit may be received. As this occurred, Simon the Magician saw great signs and miracles being performed. These wonders amazed Simon and led to him requesting the ability to lay hands on others that they may receive the Holy Spirit. To this Simon Peter called the Magician to repent because he wanted to receive the Holy Spirit for personal reasons and if not then he and his money shall perish. Simon the Magician asked for prayer that nothing that Peter said would occur to him would happen.

Simon the Magician chose Jesus, but it wasn’t the true redeemer, but rather a plastic Jesus that would meet his own personal desires. He wanted the power of the Holy Spirit, not for life change, but for elevation of being known. He wanted enough of Jesus to make him feel comfortable about his future, but not enough of Jesus to change his life and his heart. Molding Jesus to fit Simon’s purpose trumped the necessity of Jesus molding Simon. He wanted Jesus to support his sinfulness in a message of love while not facing the calling to repent. Simon desired the benefits of a relationship with Jesus without surrendering all to Jesus.

Peter on the other hand understood what it meant to follow Jesus. It wasn’t for personal gain, but sacrificial. It wasn’t about him, but selfless. It wasn’t partial, but complete. It wasn’t comfortable, but obedient. Peter chose not a plastic Jesus that was molded by his thoughts or desires, but chose the Jesus that was stained in blood with piercings, and called his followers to accept him on his terms. Jesus does not condone sin in love, but calls people to repentance. The promises of health, wealth, and happiness in this world are not the words of Jesus, for he calls us to faith and trust and to even count trials with all joy.

So which Jesus do you choose? Are you attempting to accept Jesus on your own desires? Are you attempting to mold Jesus to your wants and ideas? Are you wanting Jesus just to give you comfort and condone your life? Do you want Jesus to give you a greater worldly status or bank account? Or do you choose the Jesus who calls you to follow in sacrifice? Are you being molded by him? Are you seeking his calling to repentance when sin arises? Are you looking to give all you are for his calling? Which Jesus do you choose?


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