Christ is the light of the world. As a result, believers have received the light and hold the responsibility to illuminate the darkened world with the message of Jesus Christ. Christ commanded the church to shine brightly for Him and to make Him known. As a result, as we see the darkness around us in the world, it is imperative that we GLOW brightly for the Lord. Do you know what it means to GLOW for Christ?

The “G” in GLOW stands for the word GO! This word in the acronym is grounded in the Great Commission which is found in Matthew 28:16-20. There Jesus commands his followers to “GO and make disciples.” Jesus was not speaking of a particular moment when one arises from their comfort zone and momentarily steps out on a mission for Him; rather, Jesus was using go as an imperative calling in an ever present tense. This means the calling of Jesus was not for a particular activity in life, but was an ever occurring focus of making disciples and being light as we journey through life. We are to GO and share light every moment of our lives.

As we go, we are to share LIGHT. The “L” of GLOW stands for that. The light is not some ideal that has been formed in the mind of men, but the light is Jesus. To light our world means that we are filled by the light, Jesus, and are reflecting the light that has kindled inside us and now burning brightly. Jesus claims that he is the “light of the world” in John 8:12 and charges us to share his light by reflecting Him in Matthew 5:14. As we go we are to illuminate the light of the world that has been kindled within us.

The “O” in GLOW stands for OUR. As followers of Christ, we comprehend that our ultimate citizenship is not to an earthly establishment, but rather it is solidified in the Kingdom of God. At the same time, we recognize that we are still dwelling in this world. As foreigners and strangers in the land, we are called to live in this world, not be of this world, and share the light with this world (1 Peter 2:11-12). We use the term OUR because it signifies that we have been given a mission field that is located in our dwelling place. As a result, as we go into the world that we dwell, we are to illuminate the world with the light that has been kindled within us.

Our temporary dwelling place is the WORLD and that is the “W” in GLOW. Every believer has a calling to engage the world for Christ by sharing the truth and message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we think of the world, Jesus defines that all are included in our mission. He declares in Acts 1:8 that we are to reach individuals in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the Ends of the Earth. On a practical level, think of it in these terms. As we go, we are to reach into the world and illuminate Christ to those we are close to (Jerusalem), those we are acquainted with (Judea), those who are not like us or we seem to struggle liking (Samaria), and those we have never met (Ends of the Earth).

So how are you GLOWing? Is the light inside of you been kindled and burning? May the light of Christ ignite your soul and the world see the flame burning forth from your life.


The Four People to Reach


Set Your Sights on Jesus