A Glorifying Life

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 52, 56, 120, 140

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 56 

Life is difficult. We face many trials and tribulations because we fall prey to temptation and experience the reality of a sinful world. In Psalm 56, David declared this his life centered on bringing glory to the Lord as he lived in obedience. David was fueled to live obediently because he trusted in the protection and goodness of the Lord. David’s declaration models the needed intent of a believer’s heart today. We must strive to glorify the Lord in all we do.


David pens this Psalm as a form of lament. David struggles to live without fear because of the threat of the Philistines around him. He mentions how they seek to trample him and fight against him. He says they live as proud people who rest in their strength and power. Yet, David declared his dedication to the Lord no matter the threats around him.

David’s dedication to the Lord did not rest in receiving a life of ease. He did not expect his life to happen without struggle or that every situation would work out according to his plan. He understood his dedication as a vow of obligation to the Lord. He sought to keep his vow and live out his faith in an unwavering commitment to the Lord. David’s approach must challenge believers to live with dedication to the Lord and approach this dedication as a vow of obligation.  


David announced that he would make his thank offerings to the Lord. Sacrifice flows from a heart of thankfulness before the Lord. The sacrifice extended from a heart of willfulness and desire to please and honor the Lord. The sacrifice of thanksgiving today occurs in the act of obedience. When believers obey the Lord and sacrifice the self to the Lord, the believer honors the Lord and gives him glory. When considering our lives, do we seek to glorify the Lord in sacrifice? Do we lay down our desires and wants to honor the Lord because of our thankfulness to him? 


David understood that walking in the light occurred when following the Lord obediently. Walking in the light is defined by the ways of the Lord and represents the Lord by illuminating truth in action. At the same time, David chooses to remain in the light and resist the threat of the darkness around him. When believers walk in the light, they seek to walk in a manner that follows Christ and illuminates the light of Christ amid the darkness. Do you remain faithful in the light? What darkness attempts to creep in? How do you battle to stay walking in the light?

 David desired to live a life that brought glory to the Lord. He sought to live illuminating the light of the Lord by living out his commitment to the Lord in dedication. When you assess your life, are you living in a manner that glorifies the Lord? Are you walking in the light and guarding against the threat of the darkness?


Keep Me From Evil


Whom Shall I Fear?