The Branch of Hope

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 4-6

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 4

When people face grave situations, they hope to find a branch of hope to grasp hold of. In Isaiah 4, the problem surrounding the people of Israel is not good. They face various forms of woe and struggle due to disobedience before the Lord. Even in this dynamic, the Lord instructs the prophet to give the people a message of coming hope by declaring the day that the Branch of the Lord will appear. This Branch of the Lord is Jesus and the one who brings hope to the hopeless. Today, we continue to find hope in the Branch of the Lord because, in Christ alone, authentic and genuine hope is found and established.


The people of Israel lived in captivity in Egypt and cried out to the Lord for deliverance. Under the plan of God, Moses led the people out of captivity and toward the land of Promise. This moment of exodus occurred as a moment of liberation from slavery. Isaiah’s audience would have known this backdrop and understood that the coming Branch of the Lord would serve as a liberator. Isaiah speaks of a greater liberator that would be available for all people and offer liberation from the snare of sin. The Branch of the Lord comes as the only liberating option from the Lord. Thus, Isaiah’s prophecy points to the liberating aspect of Christ and the liberation he offers from sin.  


The children of Israel received liberation from Egypt and guidance in the wilderness from the Lord. The original audience would know how the Lord led the people by a pillar of fire at night and a cloud in the day. The people would understand that the coming Branch of the Lord would guide those liberated to follow the plan of the Lord. Today, this continues. When we receive liberation from sin in salvation, we also welcome the promise of guidance from the Lord as we seek to live for and follow him.  


The children of Israel journeyed toward a promised land as they followed the Lord’s guidance after their liberation from the Lord. The people entered the Promised Land and received God’s blessing. Today, believers live with the promise of eternal life and the dwelling place of heaven. Christ alone is the branch that offers people access to the promise of life everlasting. The Branch of the Lord provides the avenue of liberation from sin, guidance through life, and promises to journey toward it.  


The children of Israel needed to look to the promise of the Lord to gain the needed hope to endure the journey. The hope the Branch of the Lord provides does not occur as wishful thinking but rather is a guarantee for the future. Today, Christ, as the Branch of Hope, provides us the certainty of hope. A relationship with him guarantees our eternal future, presence, and guidance. These together provide certain hope because of the person and character of the Lord.

Jesus is the Branch of the Lord. He liberates sinners from the captivity of sin by offering them forgiveness of sin through a faith-based relationship with the Lord. He guides his children and leads them toward his glory. He promises a future and his presence as the Branch of the Lord and gives hope to those who live hopelessly without the Lord. Are you living connected to the Branch of the Lord and finding hope in him?


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