Choose This Day

Daily Old Testament Reading: 1 Kings 17-20

Daily Focus Passage: 1 Kings 18

Elijah demonstrates a life of one who understands the importance of following the Lord and trusting the Lord to work in a powerful manner that reflects his glory. In 1 Kings 18, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a contest. He challenges them to show the truth of God’s glory and the need to trust him alone. In this encounter, Elijah demands that the people decide what will define their life by who they will choose, the Lord or the pagan gods. Today, the same charge extends to us. We must decide on this day who we will serve. 


Jesus declared during the Sermon on the Mount that an individual cannot serve masters. This truth reveals the importance of following the Lord with complete, wholehearted allegiance. Elijah at Mount Carmel knew that the people could not give lip service to the Lord and attempt to appease the idols like Baal. Thus, Elijah charged them to make a choice. Either they would follow the Lord in obedience or follow various components found in the world in disobedience. Ultimately, Elijah demonstrated in the Old Testament what we find in the New Testament; we must choose to accept or deny Jesus.  


The decision we make concerning who we serve carries a direct link to the eternal destiny we face. Our decision to accept Jesus opens the avenue to eternal life, while the rejection of Christ leads to eternal punishment. When we choose who we will serve, we select the eternal destiny we will experience. The imperative that we must choose today comes because tomorrow is not promised. Thus, today must become the day of accepting Christ and becoming born again. We must recognize that who we choose today may become the last opportunity to choose Christ.  


Elijah challenged the people as a whole to choose who they would follow. This call extended to all, but in reality, the call extended to each individual. Each person had to decide for themselves who they would serve. He knew that a parent, grandparent, or friend could not decide for a person because each individual would be held accountable for their personal choice. Elijah knew that nationality or family renown would not earn the favor of God; thus, he called them to choose the Lord individually.

When you consider your life, who do you serve? Do you serve the Lord wholeheartedly, or do you pursue the things, people, and places of this world? Do you recognize the eternal impact of your decision? Thus, if you were to die today and stand before the Lord, what would you say when he asked why you should be allowed into the kingdom? The reality is that you must decide today by yourself who you will serve and follow.


Parental Influence


Jehoshaphat’s Legacy