Feast of Remembrance

Daily Old Testament Reading: Leviticus 23-25

Daily Focus Passage: Leviticus 23

The Lord commanded the Israelites to observe various feasts throughout the year. These feasts provided opportunities to focus on the Lord, His character, and all He had done for the people. The Lord commanded these feasts as an opportunity to reflect, remember, and rejoice. In Leviticus 23, we find three feasts that served to remind the people of the work of the Lord, and the presence of the three feasts teaches us of the importance of slowing down, being still, and reflecting upon the Lord. 


The Lord commanded the people to observe the Festival of Unleavened Bread. This activity called the Israelites to remember their time of slavery in Egypt and how the Lord brought them out of this captivity. This feast presented the opportunity to rejoice in the one true Deliverer who heard the cry of the people of Israel and delivered them from their plight. The strategic remembrance of this deliverance brings forth motivation to remain faithful to the Lord and to trust His guidance. 

Today, we must reflect and remember our moment of deliverance. In the flesh, we lived in slavery to sin and were held captive. No escape existed outside, crying in faith to our Deliverer, Jesus. When we authentically gry out in faith, we become children of the Lord and are set free from the captivity of sin. When we remember this moment, we reflect on our state of captivity in sin and the great work of deliverance from our Lord. This time of remembrance encourages us to live for Christ more faithfully and to grow in our relationship with Him.


The Israelites received the command to observe the Festival of Weeks. This intentional moment centered around the remembering of the law. As the people reflected on and remembered the law, they received the reminder to spend time hearing it and putting it into practice. This festival encouraged the people to place the law in their hearts so that they would live obediently before the Lord and follow His ways.

Today, we must observe the law, the Word of God. This observance occurs as we commit to engaging the truth in a manner that leads to transformation. The engagement of the world happens when we actively hear the Word of the Lord and place it in our hearts, and practice it in our lives. When we desire to follow the ways of the Lord and His Word, we set aside moments to intentionally engage, hear, and interact with God's Word.


The Israelites obeyed the Lord's commands and participated in the festival of shelters. This event focused on reminding the people of their time of wandering in the wilderness. This festival reminds the people of the punishment that came from their disobedience to the Lord. At the same time, this festival reminds the people that the Lord continued to provide for them and prepare them for the Promised Land ahead of them.

Today, we participate in Festival of Shelters when we reflect on the moments of wandering that occurred due to our disobedience. Such moments also reveal the faithfulness of the Lord even in the wandering and how he continued to provide for us even through the consequences of disobedience. At the same time, we must recognize that the Lord uses moments of wandering to prepare us for future faithfulness.

The Book of Leviticus offers us many challenges because of different cultural contexts. Yet, the truths found in this Book present important truths for living in faithfulness today. As we remember the feast commanded by the Lord, may we recognize the importance of reflecting, remembering, and rejoicing in the Lord.


God’s Signature: I AM THE LORD


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