Trust in God’s Providence

Daily Old Testament Reading: Genesis 48-50

Daily Focus Passage: Genesis 50

Life is difficult. We face various dynamics that stretch us and challenge us. We experience circumstances that challenge our ability to trust the Lord because of the dire dynamics of the moment. In the Book of Genesis, we follow the life of Joseph in the latter portion. Joseph experienced many challenging moments as his brothers plotted against him, he went to prison, and he was forgotten. At the same time, the Lord worked through these moments to demonstrate his faithfulness and providence. Thus, Joseph provides an example for us today of how to live trusting in the providence of the Lord despite the situations.


The Lord's providential nature means that the Lord provides for his own. The provision of the Lord does not come on our timeline or appear as we think it must. Instead, the Lord responds to his children at the perfect moment and in the perfect way. Joseph probably desired for the Lord to respond to his plight sooner. Yet, the Lord responded at the perfect moment to open the opportunity for Joseph to serve as an instrument of delivering his people from the famine. Like Joseph, we must trust in the Lord to work in his way and in his time to provide for us to carry out his will.


The Lord is certain and sure. He can overcome all challenges and provide the strength to overcome moments of trial and carry out his will. Joseph believed this and held confidence in the Lord. He believed that the Lord would respond, and he did not doubt the goodness or faithfulness of the Lord. As he sat in prison, he had confidence in the Lord to respond. When he sat in the seat of power, he trusted in the Lord to work. We must seek to live in the confidence of the Lord like Joseph. When we face the highs and lows of life, we must hold onto the Lord in confidence to work in our lives.


Joseph did not seek to serve the self but committed himself to work for the Lord. Joseph did not seek to carry out the will and desires of his flesh, but he wanted to live in a manner that brought glory to the Lord through service. As the brothers concerned themselves with Joseph's revenge, Joseph concerned himself with a commitment to serve the Lord in his interactions and forgiveness directed to his brothers. Joseph's commitment to the Lord must challenge us to live for the Lord and not for the self. We must commit our ways to him and seek to carry out his work.  


When Joseph forgave his brothers and did not seek revenge after his father's death, he demonstrated that he found his encouragement for life from the Lord. He did not seek to find encouragement from the people around him or the ways of humanity; instead, he found hope and encouragement from the work and providence of the Lord in his life. The encouragement strengthened him to overcome his hardships, live in prosperity, and demonstrate a heart of compassion. So likewise, we must seek encouragement from the Lord in life. We must seek to hear the words well done from our Heavenly Father more than we seek to hear well done from earthly individuals.  


Joseph spent time with the Lord and sought him alone for the source of all things in life. Joseph demonstrates the importance of engaging the Lord in prayer and seeking guidance. The life of prayer allows the believer to speak to the Lord and to hear from the Lord. Prayer opens the communication lines to receive needed encouragement and guidance to navigate life's dynamics. The ability to rest in the providence of the Lord occurs when we communicate with the Lord and allow him to provide the needed guidance that will enable us to rest in him throughout all of life.

Joseph lived life trusting in the providence of the Lord. This life did not mean that everything worked out wonderfully in the eyes of humanity. Joseph faced several difficulties and trials. At the same time, when Joseph rose to prominence, he continued to trust in the Lord's providence and not his wisdom. Like Joseph must commit to live in a manner that rests in the providence of the Lord.


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