Our Guide and Protector

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 12-15

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 14

We need the Lord to guide us through life and protect us as we follow. The Lord understands this need and responds to it by serving as both a protector and a guide. In Exodus 14, the Lord delivered the Jewish people out of the land of Egypt and arrived at the Red Sea's shores. The people face a moment of fear as they recognize the coming military power of Pharoah and his army. This fear causes them to question the deliverance and begin to believe the lie that they were brought out of Egypt to die. The Bible informs us how God has led them to this point as a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. In this passage, we find that the cloud moves from guiding to serving as a barrier between the people and their enemies. Thus, we find that the Lord is our needed guide and protector.


The Lord guides us out of bondage. The Lord used Moses as his instrument to lead the people out of slavery in Egypt. As the people left, the Lord provided the visible presence of his guidance through a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The truth remains that the Lord called the people out of bondage and guided them throughout the journey. The people did not understand in their strength how to overcome and escape bondage. They needed a redeemer and a guide to lead them in deliverance. Likewise, the Lord continues to guide people out of bondage through a relationship with his son, Jesus.

The Lord guides us to the place of promise. The Lord guided the people from the place of bondage and directed them toward the promised land. This meant that the Lord provided the roadmap from the known to the unknown and from the pain to the gain. The people knew of the promise of the land but did not have the directions to get there. Instead of just providing directions, the Lord provided turn-by-turn navigation to the land of promise. Today, the Lord continues to guide his children step by step. He leads us into the unknown and the places of promise.  


The Lord protects his own from the onslaught of the enemy. In Exodus 14, we find that the cloud moved from guiding the people in the front to protecting people from the back. The cloud moved and formed a barrier between the people and their enemy, the Egyptians. The movement to protection demonstrates genuine care and compassion for his people and his ability to fulfill his promises. When we read of the movement of the cloud, we should be encouraged that when needed, the Lord moves from guiding us to protecting us so that we can continue in faithfulness.

The Lord protects his own for his glory. The Bible informs us that the Lord moved from guiding in the front to protecting in the back for the purpose of making his power and glory known. This act of protection occurred so that the Lord would be glorified and honored. In Exodus 15, the people will acknowledge the Lord and his greatness and bring him glory. At the same time, the glory of the Lord spread as nations heard of his great work. Today, the Lord works and, in work, brings glory and honor to himself. When we experience the great presence and work of the Lord, we must find ourselves glorifying him alone.

The movement of the cloud from the front of the people to the back of the people may seem like a small detail in Exodus 14. This small detail reveals the great guiding and protecting nature of the Lord and reveals the greatness of his glory. This detail reminds us today of God’s presence and work in leading and protecting us as we follow him. As you analyze your life and see how the Lord works in leading and protecting you, will you come before him and rejoice in his great glory?


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