The Hope in Repentance

Daily Old Testament Reading: Hosea 13-14; Isaiah 28

Daily Focus Passage: Hosea 14

Hosea declares a message of faithfulness and repentance to the people of Israel. The Lord used the life of Hosea and his marriage to Gomer to support the message that the Lord declared through Hosea. While the people lived in disobedience, the opportunity for hope continued to exist because of the act of repentance. In Hosea 14, we receive the encouragement of the hope we find when we participate in repentance before the Lord.


The prophet Hosea called the people of Israel to repent of their wickedness and unfaithfulness. The call to repentance encouraged the people to turn from the condition of sin and to follow the ways of the Lord. The ability to repent rests in understanding genuine repentance and the components that make up the act of repentance.

Believers must understand the condition of their lives and their hearts. We must realize that we have stumbled because of the sin that occurs and exists in our lives. We must recognize our guilt before the Lord and recognize that we deserve punishment. This understanding and recognition launches the process of repentance.

Believers must seek forgiveness from the Lord for their waywardness. Recognizing our condition and disobedience before the Lord should push us toward seeking forgiveness from the Lord. When we seek forgiveness, we must fight the battle to rationalize our actions and come before the Lord with humility and honesty.

Believers must turn away from sin in their life. This turning away means the abandonment of known sin. This links to forgiveness directly because when we seek forgiveness, we must mean we desire to abandon the sin. To continue in sin while asking for forgiveness does nothing but appease us for the moment but does not equate to genuine forgiveness.

Believers must turn to the Lord. Asking for forgiveness means abandoning sin and committing to following the Lord. Turning to the Lord means that we seek to live a life of obedience and follow the Lord's leading and ways. A turning to the Lord occurs as the exemplification of one's genuine desire to seek forgiveness.  


Hosea declared to the people that genuine forgiveness leads to moments of assurance from the Lord. This assurance from the Lord fuels the hope we need. Thus, we must seek the Lord to heal our wounds. God offers healing to those who turn from their sin and turn to him. This healing comes as the separation from sin is closed. Believers receive a promise for now and later. Now, we have the promise and assurance of God's presence and forgiveness. Later, we have the promise of ultimate healing in eternity. 

The Lord provides hope and assurance because he promises his love to his children. God offers complete love for his children. He does not halfway love people or allow circumstances to adjust his love. Instead, the love of God is steadfast and true. This consistent love drives the Lord to forgive his children of their waywardness and give them reconciliation. Thus, we receive great hope from God's great love.

We receive hope because God promises to nourish us. The relationship formed in repentance promises the Lord's provision in life. As God's child, he works in our lives and provides for the genuine needs that arise. Yet, this promise of nourishment provides a component of our hope in the Lord. This hope grows because of our growing trust in his nourishing nature.

Hosea 14 points to the reality of hope for the believer. Hope gives confidence through life as we navigate the journey toward eternity. Genuine hope is lasting and exists despite us because of the Lord's character, will, and love. When considering your life, are you placing your hope in the Lord?


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