The Impact of Sin After Repentance

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Chronicles 10-12

Daily Focus Passage:2 Chronicles 12

Sin affects our lives even after the moment of seeking repentance. In 2 Chronicles 12, King Rehoboam led the people to reject the Lord's ways and live in unfaithfulness. The Lord responded to this rebellion by sending Shishak, the king of Egypt, to conquer the people. As Shishak attacked, the Lord sent a messenger through Shemaiah to Rehoboam concerning their unfaithfulness. This engagement led to a moment of repentance. The Lord accepted their repentance and withheld Shishak from destroying them but still allowed them to serve Shishak.


The Lord is righteous and just. He responds to the rebellion of people from his perfect righteousness and justice. In 2 Chronicles 12, the people faced destruction because of disobedience and rejection of the Lord. Sin demands punishment, and thus, the impact of sin requires punishment. The people of Israel in 2 Chronicles 12 faced the coming destruction because they rebelled against the Lord. Sin impacted their standing with God.  

Sin continues to impact individuals. When sin defines us, then we face the impact of that sin. We stand before the Lord deserving punishment because of our unfaithfulness. The destruction that the sinner endures in the New Covenant does not come from a neighboring country. Still, ultimately the punishment is eternal and experienced in the eternal place of wrath, Hell. Sin demands punishment, and as a result, the impact of sin means all deserve destruction. 


The Lord desires people to repent of their unfaithfulness and respond to him in faith and a life of faithfulness. In 2 Chronicles 2, the Lord used a messenger to declare the coming destruction and identify the people's sinful nature. The message proclaimed pierced the people's hearts and drove them to acknowledge their sinful condition before the Lord and seek forgiveness through repentance. They desired to denounce their unfaithful life and follow the Lord in faithfulness. As a result, the Lord heard their cry and removed the coming destruction.

Today, people must respond to the message of the Lord in genuine repentance. The gospel's message announces the condition of unfaithfulness because of sin in one's life. As a result, each person deserves punishment. The eternal punishment of sin is the separation from God and the facing God's wrath for eternity in Hell. Yet, the message offers hope because it invites people to acknowledge their sins, turn from their sins, seek forgiveness, and commit to living for the Lord. When genuine repentance occurs, the Lord responds because of his good nature.


In 2 Chronicles 12, we find an essential truth. When we seek forgiveness from the Lord, all the coming punishment and pain do not disappear. The people repented, and the Lord withheld the coming destruction, but the people still dealt with the pain of entering into the role of a servant before the king of Egypt. Though the more significant punishment was removed, the people still faced punishment for their acts of unfaithfulness and sin.

People today must recognize that becoming a follower of Christ does not remove every struggle due to sin in our lives. Various ramifications of our sin continue to exist when we seek forgiveness. Yet, we must recognize that these ramifications pale in comparison to the eternal punishment that is adverted when we hear the gospel's message and repent before the Lord.


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