The Life of Impact
Daily Old Testament Reading: Zecharaiah 7-10
Daily Focus Passage: Zechariah 7
The prophet Zechariah declared the importance of living a life of impact. A life of impact lives in a manner that follows the commands of the Lord and impacts others because of living for the Lord. In Zecharaiah 7:8-10 we find that the prophet gives a charge from the Lord to live in a manner that renders true judgments, shows kindness and mercy, extends compassion to the needy, and does not seek evil against others. Such a life impacts the lives of others for the sake of the Kingdom of God.
The prophet called the people to render true judgments. True judgments find their foundation in the truth that comes from the Lord. The judgments extend from the truth of the Lord and propel people to live for Christ. True judgments do not flow from one's perspectives, opinions, or preferences but extend from who the Lord is in their life. Thus, we must seek to render true judgments in the declaration of the Word.
The prophet calls the children of God to live a life that shows kindness to one another because of the presence of a life that extends mercy. The same command exists for believers today. We must strive to extend kindness by living out an authentic love for others. Kindness occurs when we take on the mentality of humility and live with grace and mercy ever-present. We extend kindness in offering people what they do not deserve and withholding from people what they do deserve. Thus, mercy and grace become the framework to live a life of kindness toward others.
The prophet charged the people to extend compassion to people in need. The prophet recognized orphans, widows, and outcasts needing help. He called upon the people of God to take this responsibility and meet their needs. We will find this truth appear again in Acts 6 when the
Greek widows cried out to the church leaders because their need was not met. At that moment, deacons were formed to serve the tables of widows and orphans. Today, believers must continue to demonstrate compassion to those in need. The ability to meet one's physical needs opens the door to engaging the spiritual needs in one's life.
The prophet called the people to look out for the good of others and not seek evil against them. When evil is sought out against others, the people desire for the lives of others to become ruins. As followers of Christ, we must fight this fleshly urge and strive to build others up and encourage them. We must become people looking out for the best interest of others and not to harm them or cause them to stumble.
The prophet Zechariah declared the need to live a life of impact. A life of impact represents the Lord to the people and seeks to be a part of the impactful ministry of the Lord. When you consider your life, would you be marked as an individual of impact or not?