A Life of Prayer

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 5; 2 Samuel 19-21

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 5

Prayer remains a critical component of our spiritual journey. Prayer occurs when we strategically and intentionally authentically speak to the Lord. We do not need to approach the Lord in rote words but speak with openness and genuineness. In Psalm 5, David models the importance of prayer, how we pray, and the expectation that should back our prayer life. So as we read Psalm 5, may we evaluate our heart and approach to speaking with our Father.


We must remember that prayer is a conversation between us and the Lord where we allow our hearts to be open and honest before the Lord. When we understand the importance of prayer, we recognize that words are the garments of the emotions to be expressed to God through prayer. We use words to express the emotions, struggles, and joys in the heart. At the same time, we must guard against abusing words by babbling and praying in an unworthy manner because of insincerity.

The purpose of prayer is to offer the ability to cry out to the Lord. When we cry out before the Lord, we approach him unhinderedly. We allow our hearts to overflow. The cry of the heart does not necessarily mean the use of words, but it means that we approach the throne openly and realistically. The Lord loves this approach because his children's cries are music to the Father’s ears. Allowing the heart to become open before the Lord enables us to create an intentional act of evaluating our life so that we can speak to and hear from the Lord.  


When we seek to pray and follow the example of David in Psalm 5, we recognize that our prayers must be directed to heaven. This means that our requests are given to the Lord alone. This approach occurs as we come before the Lord confidently because we know who he is and what he can do. Thus, when we pray, we must come before the Lord with confidence and expectation.  

When we pray, we must approach the Lord in a sacrificial nature. We must prepare to sacrifice our desires and wants to submit to the will and ways of the Lord. When we place ourselves on the altar, we take the position of receiving from the Lord. This receiving includes rebuke and instruction. Thus, we must recognize that prayer is not about us but is part of God's process to transform us. Therefore, our prayers must be extended with a humble spirit.  


When we approach the Lord in prayer, we must come with expectation. We must expect the Lord to hear and respond to us because of his character. We know that he is our King and our God. Thus, we know that he hears us and desires to engage with us because we belong to him, and he desires to meet our needs. This approach occurs when we remember that the Lord will never forsake us.

When we pray with expectation, we demonstrate faith and trust in the Lord. Expectation declares our trust in the Lord and our belief in his desire to work in our lives. Expectation means that we pray with the anticipation that the Lord is working all things for the good of those who love him, as Paul wrote in Romans 8. This form of praying allows us to share who the Lord is with those we engage with.


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