The Lord is On Our Side

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 20-21; 2 Chronicles 32-33

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Chronicles 32

The people of Israel faced the coming onslaught of the Assyrians in 2 Chronicles 32. The Assyrians outnumbered Israel and were skilled militarily. The presence of the world power probably sent a moment of unsettledness to the people of Israel as they gazed upon the enemy. King Hezekiah did not waver in his trust in the Lord when the enemy approached; instead, he declared to the people not to fear but to have faith in the Lord because the Lord was on their side. When we consider this statement, we must recognize that even when we face the enemy today, we must rest in hope because the Lord is on our side.


The threats that come from the world often cause us to become unsettled. The people of Israel probably felt an unsettledness because of the appearance of the Assyrian army. Yet, the king encouraged them not to fear the enemy because of the Lord. When we allow fear to control us, we cannot follow the Lord obediently because fear counters faith. We overcome fear when we rely on faith because our focus and trust become centered and placed on the Lord.  


The ability to claim victory over the enemy does not rest in our ability but occurs from the aid of the Lord. The king told the people that the Lord alone would be their help. With their help, the Lord would provide guidance, direction, and strength needed for the task ahead. The same truth exists for believers today. When facing a stout enemy, the Lord provides the needed help in our time of trouble. The help we need comes only from the Lord because he has perfect guidance, ultimate strength, and perfect insight.  


The victory in the battle comes only when we allow the Lord to fight the battle. The king knew the people were outnumbered and weaker militarily. In the world’s point of view, the people of Israel stood no chance at victory. The king did not allow the moment of worldly despair to define his outlook because he held to the truth that the Lord would fight the battle as the Warrior King. The Lord continues to fight our battles. He provides peace and power and promises his children they will find their ultimate fulfillment in eternity. 


The confidence needed to navigate this life comes from the Lord. The king challenged the people to find their confidence in the promises and work of the Lord. The same is true today. We must strive to construct our lives upon the Lord and allow him to be the needed foundation for our lives. We must find the certainty of hope that he gives his children and rest in that hope. We must know that the Good Shepherd cares for us as his sheep. We must find confidence in the Lord.

When we live with the knowledge of the Lord being on our side, we can live without fear. We learn to trust in the help of the Lord and hold firmly to the promise that he fights our battles. We must allow our confidence to be in the Lord and not in the strength of our hands. When you consider your life, are you living with the knowledge that the Lord is on your side?


The Lord is Good


The Genuine Heart For The Lord