The Passing of the Mantle

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 1-3

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Kings 2

Passing the torch to the next generation is necessary for the believer’s life. In 2 Kings 2, we find that Elijah modeled the importance of this transition and investment into the lives of those who follow. 2 Kings 2 tells of the departure of Elijah and the launching of Elisha as the prophet of the Lord. As we engage this text, we must see the importance of investing in others and living out the legacy of others.


Elijah knew the importance of investing in the life of Elisha. He understood the investment as a continuation of the work of the kingdom of God. Elijah knew that mentoring Elisha would aid in preparation for the work ahead—the act of mentoring carried several components.

First, Elijah intentionally selected Elisha to invest in under the guidance of the Lord. Elijah allowed the Lord to reveal the person who needed training. Elijah did not seek a person who met his qualifications standards but trusted in the Lord to reveal the proper person for the task ahead.

Second, Elijah allowed Elisha to journey with him. Elijah allowed Elisha to see his work, ministry, and life from firsthand experience. He allowed Elisha to walk with him along life’s journey and allowed him to gain the needed insight into how to live for the Lord in faithfulness.

Third, Elijah strategically trained Elisha for the task ahead. Elijah knew that Elisha needed training to carry out the plans of the Lord. He used the mentoring process to invest in Elisha's life and provide him with important training, wisdom, and skill for the task ahead of Elisha.  


Elisha participated in the mentor relationship by allowing Elijah to incest in his life. When mentorship occurs, the person receiving the coaching receives wisdom from another’s experiences and training. The mentored one understands the importance of gaining the skills to invest in the work ahead. Here are several components required that must exist in the life of one receiving mentoring.

First, the one mentored must submit to the teaching of the mentor. Elisha demonstrated the act of humility by surrendering to the teaching of Elijah. He did not approach as one who believed he had the perfect insight or knowledge. Instead, Elisha submitted himself to the leading and teaching of Elijah to develop his ability to serve the Kingdom of God.  

Second, the one mentored must commit to staying the course. Elisha followed Elijah everywhere. He did not allow circumstances or occurrences to derail his training. Instead, he remained faithful and followed Elijah every step of his life. He allowed Elijah to invest in his life and give him insight into the road ahead.

Third, the mentored must be ready to take the mantle when passed. Elisha grabbed the mantle and took hold of the task ahead. He took the responsibility of living out the legacy set forth by Elijah. He did not abandon the work because Elijah went to heaven; instead, he took ownership of the need and continued building off of Elijah’s legacy.  


The need for mentoring continues to exist today. Believers need to enter into relationships of mentoring others and being mentored. The mentoring process exists within discipleship as we invest in each’s spiritual development and growth to become more like Christ. When we consider mentoring today, we must ask ourselves who we are investing in to pass the mantle to and who we are preparing to take the mantle from.


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