No Excuses

Daily Old Testament Reading: Exodus 5-8

Daily Focus Passage: Exodus 6

Moses tends to seek excuses to give to the Lord for a reason not to fulfill his calling. The main excuse centers on his inability to speak with clarity. He gave this reason to find someone else when the Lord engaged him at the burning bush and gives it again in Exodus 6 when he received the command to confront Pharoah. Moses' example reveals important truths that believers must remember concerning the Lord's call on one's life. We must understand these truths, seek obedience to the Lord's leading, and not find ourselves attempting to excuse ourselves from obedience.  


Moses evaluated the call of the Lord based on what he believed he could accomplish. His questioning of the Lord reveals an attempt to have his desires accomplished instead of the will and plan of the Lord. The plan of the Lord included the use of Moses to carry out the task of confronting Pharoah and leading the people out of the land of Egypt. Moses had to arrive at the place where he understood that the calling of the Lord was not about him but about the Lord. 

When we seek to serve the Lord, we must remember that obedience and service are all about Thee and not me. We serve the Lord and not the self. We serve the Lord by trusting in his will and provision to accomplish the task. The ability to remain faithful to the Lord means we must step out of the way when our thoughts and ways become a barrier to serving the Lord. We must overcome excuses and delays when we receive direction from the Lord by focusing on him and not us.  


Moses focused his attention on his physical ability. The Lord was not concerned about what Moses could or could not do because he sought Moses' availability. When Moses declared an excuse, the Lord responded with an answer. The Lord promised to provide the needed words, and Aaron would help in declaration. Thus, the Lord told Moses that he didn't need Moses' ability or lack of speech ability, but what the Lord needed was Moses' availability to be used by him.

The Lord continues to search us for our availability today. Though we may attempt to deflect the Lord's calling through excuses centered around our inability, we must recognize that the Lord concerns himself without availability. When we make ourselves available, the Lord is faithful to strengthen us to complete the task and provide us the ability for success. When we recognize this truth, we must analyze our lives and see if we have committed ourselves to be available or limited ourselves based on our ability or inability.  


Moses allowed the fear of the flesh to dominate his faith in what the Lord could do. The fear of the flesh caused Moses to doubt his worth and value in carrying out the will of the Lord. Thus, he attempted to excuse himself from what the Lord desired to accomplish through him. However, as the Lord continued to work, Moses discovered that faith opens the door to accomplish what seems impossible to humanity because the impossible becomes possible in the Lord.

How does fear limit you from accomplishing what the Lord has for you? We must strive to live in faith and trust the Lord to accomplish the task he calls us to participate in as his instruments. Moses received the call to participate in the deliverance of the Jews. We receive the call to participate in sharing the news of deliverance through Christ to the people in the bondage of sin. Thus, we must strive to live in faith and overcome fear.


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