Live Not Ashamed

Daily Old Testament Reading: Psalm 26, 40, 58; 2 Samuel 18

Daily Focus Passage: Psalm 40

The apostle Paul called the church in Rome to live unashamed of the gospel. This call meant that the people were to live obediently in the Lord and declare his greatness. This declaration does not merely occur with the apostle Paul. In Psalm 40, David says how he seeks to live in a manner unashamed of the Lord. As a result, he sets forth a call to us today to live in a way that exemplifies Christ and lets the world know of the Lord and his offering of salvation. As we look at the marks of David’s unashamed lifestyle, may we evaluate our lives and strive to live in the same unashamed state.


David declares the righteousness of the Lord for the world to hear. He refuses to remain silent about the Lord, but instead, he seeks to make the righteousness of the Lord known so that the world knows. The declaration of the Lord’s righteousness reveals the ways of the Lord and the expectations of the Lord for people to pursue to live in obedience to his will and ways. The declaration of God’s righteousness promotes the pursuit of godly living. Today, we must strive to declare the righteousness of the Lord. This declaration makes known the ways and will of the Lord and aids in the proclamation of God’s offer of salvation.


David sought to declare and demonstrate the Lord’s righteousness in practice verbally. He dedicated his life to following the ways of the Lord and modeling a life of faithfulness. This truth does not mean that David lived a perfect life, but it does mean that David sought to live in a manner that illuminated the Lord. He sought to show the Lord to the people by living a life of righteousness. We must seek to live the same type of life today. We must strive to live a life of righteousness that supports the declaration of God’s righteousness and shows what a follower of the Lord should strive to live like.  


David not only declared the righteousness of the Lord, but he proclaimed the faithfulness of the Lord and the offer of salvation available only in the Lord. David knew that humanity could never redeem itself. He knew that a Redeemer and Savior were needed. Thus, he declared that the Lord remained faithful to his promises and covenant so that he could be trusted. The same declaration must occur today. We need to speak boldly of the faithfulness of the Lord and how we can count on him completely. We must talk about salvation in Christ alone and make the offering of redemption available to people.  


David concluded by declaring the love of God and the truth that comes from the Lord. David did not allow the world’s definition of love or truth to control his view of the Lord. Instead, David rested in love and truth as defined by the Lord and found in the character of the Lord. Today, we must declare the love of God and demonstrate the love of God to others. We must speak the truth in love even when the truth counters the ideology of the world.

David speaks of the importance of living a life unashamed of the Lord. We must seek to live and declare the Lord in a manner that makes him known to the world. We must pursue a life of righteousness and live trusting in the faithfulness of the Lord. We must extend the invitation to follow Christ as Lord and Savior and stand in truth despite the declarations of the world. When you consider this Psalm of David and look at your life, are you living unashamedly?


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