Overcoming Obstacles
Daily Old Testament Reading: Nehemiah 4-7
Daily Focus Passage: Nehemiah 6
The people faced opposition as they attempted to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. The presence of opposition forms an obstacle for the people to overcome. Obstacles occur as a normal part of life's journey as we seek to follow the Lord. These obstacles come from both external and internal forces. As we look at Nehemiah 6, may we see a biblical approach to facing obstacles.
The people in Nehemiah 6 faced the reality of obstacles. Some of the barriers faced dealt with the task at hand. The enemy came against them and began ridiculing, mocking, and plotting against the people. The enemy desired to hinder and stop the work of the people. Today, the evil one continues to bring obstacles against us to hinder us from the work that God has called us to. The external threat to the task ahead is a reality.
The people faced an internal threat as well. The people faced the presence of fear, the reality of grumbling, and the exhausting nature of the task. Today, believers face the same internal struggles when serving the Lord. We find ourselves tired as we carry out the task. We find ourselves grumbling with one another, and we find ourselves paralyzed by fear. We must come to the place of recognizing these hindrances for what they are: obstacles to the task.
Nehemiah demonstrated how believers must respond to the presence of obstacles:
We must speak truth. Nehemiah stood before the people and spoke truth against the enemy's lies. The truth catalyzed to regain focus on the task at hand.
We must go to prayer. Nehemiah did not continue to argue a point but instead sought the Lord. This time of prayer demonstrates turning over the situation to the Lord and trusting in his work and victory.
We must trust the Lord. Nehemiah trusted the Lord to hear his prayer and to respond according to his will.
We must get back to work. Nehemiah would not allow the work to stop because of the obstacles. Instead, he put the people back to work to keep them focused on the Lord's task and not the enemy's voice.
Like Nehemiah, we face a real enemy that attempts to close our eyes to the leading of the Lord and hinder our work for the Lord. The enemy is Satan and his followers. The enemy attempts to guide us into sin and away from the Lord. Thus, we must realize that real life has a real enemy.
The real enemy continually throws obstacles at us. He seeks to keep us from responding in obedience to the Lord. To the individual who does not know the Lord, the enemy places obstacles to keep them from responding in faith to the Lord. For the follower of Christ, the evil one places obstacles to hinder obedience.
All the obstacles placed before us offer an opportunity for victory. The real victory over the challenges only occurs in Christ. When we follow Christ, we receive the needed power, strength, and ability to overcome any obstacle and find victory. As you consider your life, what obstacle stands between you and obedience? Will you find victory in the Lord?