The Lord, Our Leader

Daily Old Testament Reading: Micah 1-2; Isaiah12

Daily Focus Passage: Micah 2 

Micah instructs the people about the coming punishment of the Lord. Yet, in chapter 2, as he declares judgment, he speaks about the Lord serving as the Protector, Provider, and Leader of the remnant that remains. The remnant exists as those remaining faithful during and after the coming judgment. The remnant represents the faithful in the middle of a time of unfaithfulness. In concluding his statement about the remnant, Micah declares β€œthe Lord as their leader.” This statement identifies that the people followed the Lord in faithfulness. Would the world look at us today and declare the Lord our leader? 


The Lord serves as the Great Shepherd to his people. Micah implies this description by discussing how the Lord gathers the sheep into the pen. Gathering the sheep reveals the Lord as the Great Shepherd of the people. As the Shepherd, the Lord leads with compassion, care, and community. The Lord extends compassion to his sheep through the presence of his grace and mercy. The Great Shepherds offers his sheep what they do not deserve and without what they do deserve. Thus, the Lord must be our Shepherd Leader.

As the Shepherd Leader, the Lord demonstrates care. A shepherd tends to the brokenness and disease of the sheep. He cares for their well-being when sick and seeks to provide for their needs. Psalm 23 reminds us of this caring nature as he guides us to still waters and green pastures. The Lord works in the life of the remnant to bring his sheep to the place of experiencing his care. The Lord continues to extend care to his children today. He provides for us and tends to our brokenness to bring healing.  


Micah notes that the Lord is the Victorious Leader who breaks through the gates and overcomes the enemies. The Lord is the Warrior King who fights the battles for his sheep and offers them protection and victory. Though the Lord alone is the victorious one, the Lord offers his sheep a share in the victory. The Lord continues to be the Warrior King today, fighting battles on our behalf and offering us a share in the victory.  

The victory of the Lord is eternal and ultimate. The victory allows his sheep to pass through the gate without worry of the enemy attacking. The Lord reveals this confidence in his victory that he will pass through first to demonstrate the way of victory, the path of victory, and the certainty of victory. When we recognize the Lord as our Victorious Leader, we come to the place of living in the posture of following the Lord.


The Lord is the one true leader. He never wavers along the path or leads people astray. Instead, he walks with his sheep and guides them each step of the way. He does not inform them of the path forward and expects them to arrive on their own. Instead, he leads them, journeys with them, and brings them to the destination. When the sheep understand the Lord as their True Leader, they submit to his will and follow him alone. They follow his ways and trust his guidance. The same must happen today. We must learn to trust the Lord as our one True Leader. We must submit to his leadership and follow him.


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