The Path of the Righteous

Daily Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 23-26

Daily Focus Passage: Isaiah 26

Isaiah lived during a time of pain for the people of Israel. They faced the reality of God's judgment as neighboring nations overcame them. Though the people faced this difficult time, the Lord provided hope for the future because of his great promise to his people. In Isaiah 26, the prophet declares the message of the Lord that the people would walk the path of the righteous as they remained faithful to the Lord and sought him.


The Lord promised to clear the path ahead of the people and make the path straight. This does not mean that life would become easy and without difficulty. The promise of clearing points to the promise of the Lord that he works before us and guides us along the path he has for us. The concept of the path remaining level means that the path of the Lord is made straight because it exists within his righteousness and is not marred by crookedness. Thus, we must learn to live in the promises that the Lord is before us, working and creating a path not plagued by crookedness.  


Isaiah reminded the people that the path forward included waiting on the Lord. Often, people desire God to work in our timing and our way instead of trusting His timing and work. The prophet points to the need to trust that the Lord works according to his righteousness and works according to his timing. When we learn to lean into the Lord's timing and trust his work, we can trust in the Lord and wait on him properly.  


The path ahead exists for the believer to bring glory to the Lord and to make his name known. God uses our journey as part of the telling of his story and offering. As we journey the path the Lord guides us down, we must focus on bringing him glory for his goodness, faithfulness, and leadership. As we give the Lord glory, we make his name known and declare to people the greatness and holiness of the Lord. Thus, the path becomes an opportunity to glorify the Lord and make him known.


The Lord establishes the footing of the believer on the path they travel. To establish one's footing means that the Lord provides a solid foundation that does not shift below the believer. The establishment of the solid path occurs because the Lord is the solid rock upon building our life. Thus, the established life from the Lord sustains the believer throughout every moment of life and provides the needed ability to journey the path well.

We are called to journey the path the Lord puts before us. The journey will not be easy and filled with moments of pain and struggle. Yet, the Lord promises to provide a firm foundation to rest upon and work before us as we journey through life. How do we trust the Lord’s work before us as we consider our lives? Where do we allow the struggles of life to turn our attention to our situation and blind us from seeing the Lord and his promises?


Remain Faithful to the Lord


Who Do You Trust