Prepare to Lead

Daily Old Testament Reading: Numbers 6-8

Daily Focus Passage: Numbers 7

Leadership is a difficult responsibility and calling. The concept of leadership indicates that someone takes the role of leader and is responsible for guiding, directing, and motivating others. Leaders constantly deal with temptations and struggles that plague their ability to lead with success. Numbers 7 provides a detailed list of the offerings brought before the Lord by the leaders of the various tribes of Israel. This moment in Numbers teaches us today that leaders must not become distracted by the task, must prepare the person to lead, and guard against becoming spiritually empty.


Leaders face the temptation of allowing the task before them to distract them from leading well. When leaders focus on tasks in an unhealthy manner, they face the potential of becoming paralyzed by the feeling of becoming overwhelmed. This paralysis occurs when the focus becomes on the task, not on fulfilling the calling of leading others. Likewise, some leaders struggle to complete the task because of fear of what occurs when they complete the task. Again, the issue centers on a misplaced focus on the task ahead.

When we attempt to lead others, we must remember that leading means moving people from one place to another. Thus, when we become task driven instead of leading people driven, we easily become distracted from the responsibility to lead and become less effective in leading. Where in your life has the task become a distraction from leading the people you are called to lead? Commit to being people-driven and not task driven.  


The leaders in Numbers brought an offering before the Lord. This act symbolized the need for leaders to prepare the person to lead. If a leader neglects their spiritual relationship with the Lord, then they sabotage the leadership ability of the self through neglect. Leaders must prepare the heart, mind, and soul through surrender and obedience to the Lord. Leaders must set aside an intentional effort to engage the Lord and to worship openly and authentically.

How are you prepare the self to lead as the Lord guides you? Are you spending time coming before the Lord and allowing him to guide and direct your path? Are you preparing your heart, mind, and soul to be used by the Lord? If you seek to serve as an effective leader, you must invest the time needed to prepare.  


The leaders in Numbers practice obedience before the Lord as an act of spiritual obedience. When spiritual obedience occurs, people receive a refilling into the well of their lives. Leaders often attempt to lead in their strength, ability, and plans. When this occurs, and a relationship with the Lord is neglected, the leader attempts to lead with an empty well and becomes ineffective.

How full is your well? Are you attempting to lead Sunday School or small groups on an empty well? Are you attempting to lead ministries in the church on an empty well? Are you attempting to serve the Lord with an empty well? Take time and commit to seeking the Lord. Allow him to fill your heart so you can lead with a full heart.


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