The Proper Influence

Daily Old Testament Reading: 2 Kings 11-13; 2 Chronicles 24

Daily Focus Passage: 2 Chronicles 24

King Joash took the throne at age 7. Joash learned the importance of allowing others to influence your actions at this age. The activities of one’s life occur in the posture of obedience or disobedience before the Lord. In 2 Chronicles 24, we read of the story of Joash as he obediently lives before the Lord and then how he lives disobediently before the Lord. The difference in his faithfulness to the Lord occurred from the influence of those around him. As we understand the transition in Joash’s life, we must evaluate the influences that propel us to obedience or disobedience before the Lord.


The Chronicler details how the priest Jehoiada influenced Joash to live in obedience before the Lod. Under the influence of Jehoiada, the Bible identifies that Joash lived in a manner that was right in the eyes of the Lord. Joash allowed the priest to influence his spiritual faithfulness to the Lord by serving the Lord in repairing the temple. Joash listened to the wise counsel of a spiritual leader who guided him to follow the Lord.  

We must surround ourselves with witnesses influencing our lives to live faithfully for the Lord. We must seek spiritual mentors who will journey with us and demonstrate how to live for the Lord. When we place the proper influence around us, we put a form of guidance, accountability, and wisdom into place. What influence propels you to live in obedience? 


The priest, Jehoiada, died, leaving a void in Joash’s circle of influence. Joah no longer received the wise spiritual counsel of the priest, but new voices surrounded the king. The people came before the king and paid homage to him. The sign of respect gained access to the king’s ear, and the new group of counselors provided wisdom that led Joah to live in disobedience before the Lord. The power of the influence moved Joah from the state of faithfulness to the state of unfaithfulness.

The people we allow to influence our lives play a critical role in the spiritual development of our lives. When we listen to unwise influences, we attempt to justify sin, change truth, and live for the self instead of the Lord. We must seek to identify the voices that led us astray and attempt to abandon their influence and live for the Lord. Can you identify the influence of your surroundings that you must let go of? 

King Joash models the importance of seeking to remain faithful to the Lord. He demonstrates the importance of surrounding the self with influencers that challenge us to live in obedience before the Lord. At the same time, Joash exemplifies the need to remain surrounded by the proper influences throughout life. We must guard against falling prey to the influences of the world.


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