Rest in the Redeemer

Daily Old Testament Reading: Jeremiah 50-52, Lamentations 1

Daily Focus Passage: Jeremiah 50

We live in a world where evil and sin seem to dominate the narrative. We struggle to live for Christ in a world that demands we accept and adopt lifestyles, morals, and beliefs that counter the truth of the Lord. Facing this struggle means that we often face difficulty, pain, and even persecution. Jeremiah prophesied about God's people living under the oppression of Babylonians and provided them hope because of the promise of the Redeemer from the Lord. The same truth extends to us today as we have the promise of the Redeemer that sets us free from the oppression of sin.


The people lived under the captivity of Babylon. A redeemer restores the lost rights and freedoms of those oppressed. The Redeemer pays the oppressed's debt and covers the cost of freeing them. In Jeremiah, the people could not pay this debt and overcome the oppression of Babylon; thus, they needed a Redeemer. Jeremiah prophesied that the Lord would send a strong Redeemer to rescue them.

This language foreshadows Jesus. Jesus is the promised Redeemer who would restore people's lost rights and freedoms. This restoration would come as the captivity of sin would be overcome by the payment made on the cross and the victory in the resurrection. Jesus is the strong Redeemer because he alone holds the strength to overcome the penalty of sin and offer salvation to the captives. 


The prophet Jeremiah notes that the Redeemer would champion their cause. The Redeemer would represent the people against the enemy and battle on their behalf. Thus, the victory of the Redeemer meant that the people could claim victory over the captor. As the representative, the Redeemer stood in the place of the captives and took on their fight.

In the New Covenant, Christ is the representative Redeemer. He championed our cause through his work on the cross and victory over death. Since Christ is our champion, we claim victory, not because of our work by the work of Christ. At the same time, Christ represents his own before the Father. He claims them and covers them with his righteousness so that they may stand in the presence of the Lord. This victory and representation provides believers with freedom and, ultimately, peace.

The prophet Jeremiah provides a word of encouragement to the children of God who live in a world plagued by sin. The Lord provides the promise of the Redeemer who rescues us from the captivity of sin, represents us before the Father, and provides us the rest that comes from peace. Are you living in the fullness of this promise? The Redeemer, Jesus, wants a relationship with you if you do not have one and wants those who have a relationship with him to find hope in the promise of representation and rest.


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