Self-Centric Worship

Daily Old Testament Reading: Leviticus 7-10

Daily Focus Passage: Leviticus 10

The Lord provided Moses with instructions centered around the Old Covenant's sacrificial system in the first nine chapters of Leviticus. The various sacrifices set the stage for understanding worship and seeking a relationship with the Lord. The instructions gave the people the method and manner of approaching the Lord. In Leviticus 10, we find that the two sons of Aaron did not obey the teachings of the Lord and attempted to sacrifice and engage with him on their terms. As a result of this self-centric worship, the Lord put both to death as part of the punishment for their disobedience. This event teaches us the importance of authentic worship and the call to battle against the threat of self-centric worship.


Self-centric worship occurs when people attempt to worship the Lord in methods and manners that occur according to their perspectives, likes, and opinions. The act of self-centric worship may appear right externally and even reflect a form of worship, but the internal dynamics do not form an environment of worship.

The sons of Aaron carried out an external act of worship that those around them may have viewed as worship. The issue arose that the outward act occurred with internal disobedience. The act of worship went against the instructions of the Lord and thus occurred because of these two men's focus and preference. Therefore, the Lord rejected this act of worship. Today, when we do not guard ourselves, we can slip into a similar self-centric approach to worship that may appear genuine externally but internally is bathed in disobedience.


The Lord rejected the sacrifice of Aaron’s two sons. The Lord did not approve the act of the men because it occurred outside of the will and instructions of the Lord. Aaron’s sons attempted to add to the instructions of the Lord instead of living in obedience and faithfulness. The sacrifice appeared to exist as an act of worship, but the worship centered on the desire of these men. As a result, the Lord did not receive the worship because it was unfaithful and did not occur with a pure motive.

The Lord rejects self-centric worship because the center of the worship activity is the worshipper and not the Lord. The Lord alone is worthy of worship. When we attempt to worship out of tradition or preference, we battle against the threat of worshipping the Lord in an unworthy manner. When this mindset occurs, the worship is rejected by the Lord because of the improper condition of the heart.


The Lord punished Aaron’s two sons because of their disobedient worship. The Bible tells us that the fire came from the sacrifice and consumed these two men. The outcome of the disobedience was death. In this case, we see the immediate death of these two because of their knowledge and rejection of the truth. Similarly, when one knows the truth and expectations of the Lord and abuses that, the reality is to experience the consequences. In the same way, this event reminds us of the outcome of the act of disobedience.

Leviticus 10 opens with a difficult story. On the outward appearance, these two men demonstrated an act of worship. Yet, in the inward condition, the men had a heart of disobedience before the Lord. This moment teaches us the importance of worshiping the Lord authentically and with a pure internal motive.


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