The Nature of Sin

Daily Old Testament Reading: Judges 16-20

Daily Focus Passage: Judges 19

Sin takes us down a path that leads away from others, centers on the selfish, flesh nature, and disobeys the Lord. The nature of sin does not align with the Lord or his ways. Instead, sin causes division and separation from one another and the Lord. The very nature of sin creates a constant struggle in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. In Judges 19, we find that the nature of sin is on full display as the people carry out horrendous, sinful activity.


Sin seeks to lead us to confusion. Confusion occurs when clarity is lacking, and communication ceases. The Bible declares that the Lord is not a God of confusion; thus, confusion occurs because of sin. The evil one desires to lead us away from the Lord and into a state of confusion. Confusion means that we live blinded from the genuine truth and often attempt to define the truth in our terms. Sin forms confusion because nothing exists from the truth. Instead, everything exists from opinions and personal thoughts. Thus, sin leads us to a state of confusion so that we do not live in clarity under the leadership and power of the Lord.   


In Judges 19, men approach the door and request that the head of the household send out the male guest so they can have relations with him. No matter what the homeowner responded with, the people continued to make the same demand. As a result, the Bible informs us that the concubine was sent out, that the people ravaged her the entire night, and that she ended up dying. The reaction of the crowd flowed from the consuming nature of sin. Sin consumes us and refuses to release us, which leads to a moment of living out of control. Thus, sin consumes us and leads us down paths opposite the Lord and his desires.  


Sin brings conviction to us. When sin becomes present in our lives, we face the pain and punishment that comes with conviction. Conviction occurs as we recognize the guilt that occurs because of our sinful activity. Conviction is negative as it can cause a dynamic of becoming overwhelmed or defeated. Likewise, conviction is positive as it illuminates our sinfulness and charges us to seek repentance and forgiveness. The key to dealing with conviction is not ignoring it; instead, we must deal with the conviction we face.


Sin brings conviction to the life of a believer because sin counters the ways of the Lord. When sin remains undealt through a relationship with Jesus, we become condemned by sin and face the eternal wrath and punishment of the Lord. Sin condemns us because the presence of sin marks the ways of the flesh that do not exist in harmony with the Lord and his ways. Thus, the activity of sin reveals the worst of us and, when left unattended, sets a course of eternal condemnation.

In Judges 19, the people allowed sin to confuse them concerning the ways of the Lord and how one must live life. This confusion occurred because the people lived consumed by evil, and it began to identify them. At the same time, they did not heed the conviction from sin and came to the place of facing condemnation due to their sin. Sin does the same things today, Sin attempts to confuse and consume us. Sin wants to blind us from conviction and lead us to the place of condemnation. How are you dealing with the presence of sin today?


What Seems Right


The Angel of the Lord