Turn of Heart

Daily Old Testament Reading: Ezekiel 47-48; Joel 1-2

Daily Focus Passage: Joel 2

The prophet Joel proclaimed the message of the Lord to the people. The declaration included a charge for the people to turn from their wicked ways and to turn to the Lord. This turn must consist of every component of life and must not withhold anything from the Lord. We must see that the prophet's message continues to call us today to check our hearts and return to the Lord.


The prophet commanded the people to tear their hearts the same way they tear their clothing in mourning. Tearing one's clothes in mourning presented an external display of remorse. Yet, the external activity could exist without the heart change. Thus, the prophet commanded the people to tear their hearts like their clothes in mourning. This internal act flows from genuine conviction and mourning over sin.

The ability to tear one's heart begins with taking ownership of sin. When we take ownership of sin, we acknowledge our waywardness and our need for forgiveness. Such a genuine act of remorse flows from a true seeking of repentance and does not exist as a mere ritual act.


The prophet challenged the people to tear their hearts and cry to the Lord. When the crying out occurred, the people confessed their sin, sought forgiveness from the Lord, and committed to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. The prophet's call insisted that the people cry to the Lord for forgiveness and reconciliation with the Lord.

Today, we must continue to confess our sin—the confession of sin centers on the ownership of sin and the acknowledgment of waywardness. At the same time, we must seek forgiveness from the Lord. Genuine forgiveness comes from the Lord alone, and he alone is the one who restores the broken. Thus, we must commit to pursuing the Lord when we cry out to him. This pursuit occurs as we desire to grow in our relationship with the Lord and as we seek to follow the Lord's leading.


The prophet told the people to seek complete forgiveness through complete repentance. He charged the people not to leave one part of their lives unturned. He called the people to hold nothing back and to give the Lord everything. The prophet's call mirrors the call of Jesus to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

We must continue to leave no area in our lives unturned. When we hold back from the Lord, we compartmentalize our lives. We attempt to have a compartment for the Lord and the self. Compartmentalization flows from self-justification and pride. We must overcome this threat and seek to surrender and obey completely.

As we consider the words of the prophet Joel, we should analyze our lives and consider the following. What sin do you need to own and repent of in your life? Will you seek forgiveness from the Lord? What are you holding back that needs surrendering to the Lord? Will you surrender completely today?


Seek and Serve with a Sincere Heart


Recognize and Repent