Two Ways of Living

Daily Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 4-7

Daily Focus Passage: Proverbs 4

Solomon knew that two ways of living existed. Proverbs 4 addresses the lifestyle of the believer and the unbeliever. He compares and contrasts these approaches to life and demonstrates the deep need to live for the Lord. When we engage the writing of Solomon, we must recognize the truth concerning the need to live for Christ as his child. When you investigate these two approaches to life, which one best describes you?


Solomon identifies the unbeliever through their desire to carry out evil and cause those around them great pain. Solomon notes that unbelievers cannot rest unless they perform evil. This concept means that their life centers on carrying out the desires of the flesh and the evil one. They find their identity and purpose in the evil things because they find purpose here. 

Solomon addresses the desire for the unbeliever to cause others to stumble. This activity comes from the desire to see others feel pain because of the pain they experience. They find joy in the tormenting of others. They seek to cause others to stumble for self-gain in this world and the ability to justify their stumbling.

Solomon noted that the unbeliever feast upon wickedness. This truth flows from the need to participate in more sin to achieve the same feeling sin once brought. The further down the slope of sin the unbeliever travels, the more they pursue the things of wickedness to find temporary fulfillment and pride.

Solomon characterized the condition of unbelievers with darkness. The darkness overcomes them, and they become blinded by the darkness. They continue to live against the ways of the Lord because the darkness keeps them from seeing what causes them to stumble. Thus, they never gain the ability to find value in life other than making the lives of others miserable.  


Solomon contrasted the ways of unbelief to the ways of belief. Solomon charged the believer to accept the words of truth. The words of truth provide the needed knowledge and wisdom to guide one down the path designed by the Lord. The truth creates guardrails for life and steers one down the path of following the will of the Lord. Thus, the believer must seek and accept the truth in faith.

Solomon characterized the way of belief as the certainty that comes with the journey. He declared that the one holding onto the ways of the Lord would not stumble and could run without hindrance. This occurs because the ways of the Lord do not exist to cause stumbling but rather serve to build up and strengthen. Thus, Solomon charged believers to hold on to the ways of the Lord and run well.

Solomon charged believers to refuse to join the path of the wicked. This calling challenged believers not willfully to place the self in a position to face temptation. Solomon knew that when believers put themselves in the place of temptation, the threat of stumbling would grow. Thus, he explained the necessity of not even entering the same path.

Solomon called the life of belief light. The light that illuminated and conquered the darkness like the dawn. The light brightened as the journey continued. The light provides the needed illumination to see the path and challenges ahead. It provides the needed light to see the finish line and the target pursued. The life of belief grows brighter and brighter throughout the journey.

Solomon desired believers to live in obedience and faithfulness before the Lord. He knew that people either lived for the Lord or against the Lord. No middle ground existed. Thus, Solomon challenges everyone to accept the ways of the Lord and follow after him.


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