Scripture is the Plumbline for Life
All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness
2 Timothy 3:16 (CSB)
A plumbline was used during biblical times to help craft construction. It was a string with a weight at the end, creating the metric to keep the construction straight and vertical. The plumbline then measured what was straight and crooked. Likewise, the plumbline provided the guidance needed for the carpenter to construct the structure properly. Scripture is the spiritual plumbline for our lives. Paul, writing to Timothy, noted that Scripture is the plumbline that is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
Scripture is profitable for teaching, which refers to instructing in truth and doctrine. The Word of God provides the necessary instruction for life, revealing the truth about and from God. It also provides instruction in doctrinal truth, which serves as the basis for what we hold as true. Thus, Scripture must become the primary source of instruction.
Scripture is profitable for rebuking. Rebuking occurs when we have gained instruction and stand for truth. It is standing against falsehood and fallacy that contradicts the truth. The purpose of rebuking others is not to attack them but to point them to the truth so that they may receive it. Scripture instructs us and provides the truth needed to rebuke those who need it.
Scripture is profitable for correcting. It corrects by providing the proper way of life. The truth revealed is not mere intellect but must control our actions and intentions. Scripture points to the way to correct our waywardness and challenges each of us to live faithfully. As Scripture rebukes, it also points to the proper way of life.
Scripture is profitable for training in righteousness. The activity of training is the work of learning as a disciple. This indicates one has committed to learning and has placed themselves under discipline to learn the ways of the Lord. Righteousness speaks to the moral and ethical manner of one’s life. Thus, the ways of one’s life must be correct, but they must also flow from a heart of intention that is morally and ethically in line with the Lord. Scripture serves as the training instrument to develop such a heart.
We often mention that Scripture is the textbook for life. This is correct on a certain level because it provides us with the needed truth and information to carry out life's tasks. On a separate level, this concept does not accurately portray Scripture because it flows from God and is meant to impact the entirety of the believer's life and call unbelievers to faith. Scripture is not information learned or about discoveries; it is the revelation of our Creator to us, the creation.
How does Scripture serve as a plumbline for your life?
What steps can you take to allow Scripture to be the plumbline in your life? What hindrances keep you from completely comparing your life to the plumbline of Scripture?