The All-Powerful Father
I know that You can do anything and no plan of Yours can be thwarted.
Job 42:2 (CSB)
Job declared the almighty nature of the Lord. After a life of trials and tribulations, Job came to the place of questioning God. Through this experience, the Lord met with Job and guided Job to the place of recognition concerning the power of the Lord. Job concludes that the Father can do whatever he will, and nothing will stop the plans of God. From Job’s conclusion, we must see that our heavenly Father is the Almighty Father, who is the source of our strength, and that His strength never fails.
God is the Almighty Father. The name often used to speak of the Lord as Almighty is El Shaddai. This name reveals that the power and strength of the Lord are awesome and wonderful. It is far beyond our comprehension, yet we experience in creation. It is this character of the Lord that provides the strength for the miracles, the power for creation, and the ability to do more than we could ever imagine or ask.
God is the source of our strength, and the Father’s strength must be the source of our strength. The Father shares His strength with His children. He will empower us to stand firm in faithfulness and to journey down the path He leads us down. We must hold firmly to the truth that the Lord provides us with the needed strength to carry out the task we are called to take on.
God is the never-ending and undefeated strength. The Father’s strength never grows weak. He never grows tired or fatigued. His strength is neverending because He is eternal in nature. Our weakness does not limit him, and thus, His strength is constant. Not only is it constant, but it never fails. The strength of the Lord is undefeated because it is always more than enough.
The strength of the Father should bring great encouragement to our souls. He promises to provide us with the strength to navigate life's highs and lows. He provides us strength from His strength that never ends nor fails. May we see the greatness of our All-Powerful Father.
How would you explain the all-powerful nature of God to someone you encounter?
What encouragement comes in knowing that God provides us with strength that comes from His all-powerful nature?