The Eternal Son of God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All Things were created through him, and apart from him, not one thing was created that has been created.

John 1:1-3 (CSB)

Jesus was, is, and always will be eternal in nature. He is eternally pre- existent, present, and active during creation. When we contemplate Jesus, we must acknowledge that He is the eternal Son of God. The apostle John provided scriptural evidence for this truth in John 1:1-3.


John declared that Jesus existed from the beginning. This statement takes us back to Genesis 1:1, which details the start of creation. It reveals that Christ has always existed. Theologian Elmer Towns wrote: “The eternality of Christ means he is not limited by time, has no beginning, and will have no end. The pre-existence of Jesus Christ means he existed before his birth in Bethlehem. Because Christ existed before his earthly birth, his eternality gives him godlike qualities. The concept of pre-existence and the proofs of eternality support the evidence of the deity of Christ.”


John wrote that Jesus, the Word, was with God. Jesus is eternally in relationship with the Father. This supports the truth of the Trinity. The image presented is that the Father and the Son were, are, and will always be face to face. This illustrates the nearness and relationship within the Trinity, especially between the Father and the Son. Think of this image as a child looking into their parent's face, symbolizing closeness. Now imagine this as eternal and unending. This represents the eternal relationship

between the Father and the Son.


Jesus was, is, and always will be God in every way. Though He is not the Father or the Holy Spirit, Jesus still exists as fully God. We must never understand Christ as less than fully God. This passage uses these two words within the larger context to support the truth of Jesus’ eternal deity. As Kent Hughes remarked, “He is the cosmic Christ.”


Jesus is the Creator of all things. The Apostle Paul wrote that without Christ, nothing was made (Colossians 1:16-17). This truth shows that the Lord alone understands how all things work together in the past, present, and future. The eternal nature of Christ reminds us that He is always present and with us. He will not forsake us. He desires a relationship with us because He is our Creator, and we are His creation.


  1. What is significant about believing in the eternal nature of Christ and His deity?

  2. How does John 1:1-3 speak to the nature of Jesus and His relationship within the Trinty?


Conceived and Born


The All-Truth Father