The All-Truth Father

But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and eternal King. The earth quakes at His wrath, and the nations cannot endure His rage. You are to say this to them: The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will perish from the earth and from under these heavens.

Jeremiah 10:10-11 (CSB)

We live in a time that treats truth as personal and relative. People frequently use the term “my truth” when discussing their perspectives, opinions, or feelings. Such statements are not truth but rather mere personal thoughts and positions. Truth is never relative or based on opinion. Truth is steady, firm, straightforward, and certain. God alone defines what is true because God alone is truth.

God is truth. We search for truth in many places. The Bible clearly states that God alone is the source of truth. In Hebrews 6:18, the author declares that it is impossible for God to lie. The Father cannot lie because it would contradict His very nature of truth. Truth contains no untruth because it is absolute and certain. The Father provides us with the truth as it is part of His character. Similarly, the Bible reveals that not only is truth a trait of the Father, but the Holy Spirit and Jesus are both connected to the essence of absolute truth.

All truth comes from God. Living in a time of vast information and the redefinition of truth presents a challenging dynamic for many to accept that all truth originates from the Father. People often search for truth in misguided places and neglect to seek the Father for the essence of the matter. The truth that comes from the Father guides His children to live righteously and to address the moral questions raised by our culture. The truth of the Father offers the stability needed to remain faithful in uncertain times. The truth of the Father is directly linked to the pathway to salvation and the exclusivity of Christ.

In John 14, Jesus declared that He is the way, the truth, and the life. This declaration came with the permission of the Father and reveals that God alone is the source of all truth. As children of God, we must recognize that we have access to the Father through Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, which allows us to experience and live out the truth of the Father.


  1. What is truth?

  2. If the Father is all-truth, then can any truth exists outside the Father?


The Eternal Son of God


The All-Wise Father