The Providing Father

Look, I am about to do something new; even now, it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. The animals of the field will honor Me, jackals and ostriches, because I provide water in the wilderness, rivers in the desert, to give drink to My chosen people. The people I formed for Myself will declare My praise.

Isaiah 43:19-21(CSB)

The Lord is the Creator and created with intelligence. We recognize this as we gaze at creation and see the complexity. But as Creator, God did not only create and leave but cares deeply for His creation. Thus, God is the providing Father that provides for His own. In Isaiah 43, the prophet discusses that the Lord is about to do something new. In this prophecy, the prophet notes how the Lord will provide water for His people while they journey through the wilderness and the desert.

The prophet’s language should remind us of the days of the Exodus. Remember how the Lord provided for the children of Israel as they wandered through the wilderness seeking the Promised Land. During this time of wandering, the Lord provided for their needs of food and water. We find moments when the Lord provided the people with manna and other times when the Lord provided the people with water.

In the New Testament, we find that the Lord reveals His goodness as a Father. The New Testament ask how much more would our heavenly Father give than our earthly father who gives well. The statement reveals the nature of the Lord to provide for His children.

When we discuss the concept of the Father providing, we must also know that He provides for needs according to His will. He does not have to provide for our greed—the things we want but don’t need. If God does not provide you with a vehicle, it does not mean he does not care for or provide for you. God’s provision rest in His will and plan. He centers more on our needs.

As you consider how God provides, take a moment and reflect on how God’s provision has occurred in your life. Take a moment to rejoice in this work of the Lord. Ask the Lord to allow you to rejoice in His provision and not to let the things of greed to distract you from His goodness and glory.


  1. Can you think of a biblical example that provides an illustration for how the Father is providential?

  2. Can you identify a time in your life when the Father showed His providence?


The Father of History


The Father’s Reign