The Father’s Reign

Then David praised the Lord in the sight of all the assembly. David said, “May You be praised, Lord God of our Father Israel, from eternity to eternity. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty for everything in the heavens and on earth belongs to You. Yours, Lord is the kingdom, and You are exalted as head over all.

1 Chronicles 29:10-11 (CSB)

The Father is exalted as the head over all. This declaration reveals that everything is under the Father's reign and rule. Nothing exists without the Father, and nothing gains dominion without the Father because the Father is above all. The Father rules because He is God and because He is Creator. He rules because of His greatness, power, and splendor.

When we consider our lives, we must conclude that we do not control them but live under the reign of the Lord. When we become children of the Father, we become His servants and must follow His leadership. As His children, we understand that His reign reaches far beyond this moment because He reigned eternally in the past, He reigns eternally in the present, and He will reign eternally in the future.

The recognition of God’s eternal reign comes from our recognition of God’s greatness, power, glory, splendor, and majesty. God’s greatness is unlimited, and nothing can overcome the Lord. The Father’s power can never be conquered because he is the Almighty. He is all-powerful and never has been or will be defeated. He reigns because of His vast glory. Glory indicates the amount, measure, or weight of something. The weight of God’s glory is unmeasurable, and this has complete dominion and reign because nothing shares His glory. His splendor radiates into the depths of the darkness and conquers the darkness. His majestic reign leaves us in awe.

When we understand the Father's reign, we realize that He must rule and reign over our lives. We live in surrender, recognizing that we do not have the ability to control our lives; we must live in obedience to the Father. Our ability to understand His eternal reign over all things allows us to live faithfully before the Lord.


1. In a world that seems out of control, how does the truth that the Father reigns provide hope?

2. How do you allow the Father to reign in your life?


The Providing Father


The Three in One