The Three in One

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.

2 Corinthians 13:13 (CSB)

The term "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible. We use this term to describe God's three-person nature. The three persons of the Trinity are recognized as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each of the three persons is fully God and possesses the qualities of omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence. Each person in the Trinity holds a distinct and unique role.


The Bible opens with the declaration that the Lord created all things, a reference to God the Father. The Old Testament reveals that the original audience and authors understood that the Father is the sovereign Lord over all creation. Jesus prays to the Father in the New Testament.


The Bible addresses the divinity of Christ. The apostle Paul affirmed Christ as God incarnate in Philippians 2. The apostle John began the Gospel of John with a declaration about the divine and eternal nature of Christ. Jesus carries out the act of Redemption and is the only way to be reconciled to the Father.


Scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as God. The Holy Spirit is the comforter promised by Jesus who would come and dwell within believers. The Holy Spirit works in the lives of believers, guiding them to walk in faithfulness. We see the Holy Spirit present in both the Old and New Testaments, noting the differences in the Holy Spirit's work between the Old and New Covenants.

No example or explanation of the Trinity can fully illustrate or explain its nature. Therefore, we embrace this truth through faith. We believe in the Trinity because God has revealed Himself in this way, and we do not deny the Trinity, even when we do not fully comprehend it, because God has disclosed it to us.


  1. Why is faith central to holding firm to the doctrinal truth of the Trinity?

  2. How do we understand the unity within the Trinity?


The Father’s Reign


God is All-Knowing and All-Powerful