The Voice of Joseph’s Heart

The story around the nativity is a story that includes many people that each has a unique voice. The story often looks at Mary and baby Jesus, the shepherds, and the wise men who appear when Jesus is a toddler. But the life of Joseph also provides an essential truth for the life of the believer. Joseph faced a tremendous crisis upon discovering that his fiancé was with child and that the child was not his. This created a tense moment in the life of Joseph that forced him to make a difficult decision. Let’s look at Joseph’s situation and see the critical truths for believers today.

First, we must understand the unusual predicament Joseph faced. The Gospel of Matthew (1:18-19) tells of Joseph’s circumstance that caused great confusion and struggle. The dynamics of the moments included a broken heart. The engagement to Mary would have been a joyful situation that changed dramatically upon the news of her pregnancy. To Joseph, the initial appearance was that of unfaithfulness that would have devastated the heart. The information brought struggle as the whispers around the community expanded concerning Mary’s situation.

These dynamics forced an internal struggle in the life of Joseph. The law stated that Mary deserved shame because of her unfaithfulness, but Joseph wanted to keep her from harm. Joseph was considered a righteous man and thus would have kept the law, but his compassion and care for Mary formed a struggle. He did not want to see her hurt. The dynamics of the moment compounded on each other and created a great internal struggle. Joseph’s situation modeled the struggle that often comes in the life of believers.

Second, we must learn from Joseph’s response to the predicament. Joseph begins his response by getting alone with the Lord. As the Lord spoke into the life of Joseph, we find that Joseph is reassured. The Lord shared that Mary was innocent and that all that was occurring was in the will of the Lord and that He was up to something great. As a result, the alone time with the Lord set up the course for the Lord to guide Joseph through the predicament and reveal to Joseph what he needed to know. Likewise, today, believers must face the trials and difficulties by getting alone with the Lord and allowing Him to speak into one’s life.

Next, Joseph waited on the Lord and trusted in the Lord. Joseph’s patience rested in the person and character of the Lord. He knew that the Lord was with him and guiding him, and as a result, he was willing to wait on the Lord’s timing and work. This can be difficult, but patience truly comes when one is resting in the Lord. The patience opened the opportunity for Joseph to trust the leading of the Lord. The leading allowed for more growth to occur in Joseph’s life as he was drawing closer to the Lord, being strengthened in the journey and learning to maintain focus on the Lord and not the momentary situation. Thus, believers must respond to the predicaments in life by turning ultimately to the Lord.

Third, we must see how to live obediently as Joseph practiced obedience in light of his predicament. Joseph considered the cost, and willfully followed the leading of the Lord. This meant that Joseph recognized that following the Lord’s will would mean that the world would look differently at him. The title of righteous man would be adjusted because of the appearance of Mary. But Joseph resolved to be righteous in the eyes of the Lord, even if the world viewed him as a grave sinner.

Likewise, the obedience of Joseph demonstrated trust as he blindly followed. Joseph lived trusted in the Lord and knowing that he was on a need to know basis. Joseph journeyed, without knowing the final destination but trusted that the leading of the Lord was perfect. He did not fully understand each step in following the Lord but obediently traveled, knowing that God was at work in a far greater manner. This could occur because of the humility that Joseph lived in. Joseph decreased so that the Lord could increase. He was focused on being the special servant of the Lord and refusing to flee the responsibility because, in humility, he knew the

greatness of the Lord.

Fourth, we must hear the voice speaking to us from Joseph’s heart. Joseph’s heart was focused on the Lord. His heart was centered on the Lord and recognized that the will and ways of the Lord were far greater than who he was. He knew that by grace, the Lord had allowed him to serve in this manner. The heart of Joseph demonstrated the heart needed by believers. The heart that sees the opportunities given by the Lord as opportunities of grace to serve follows the model of Joseph.

At the same time, Joseph’s heart did not focus on the self but instead focused on the child. Joseph followed the commands and leading of the Lord to protect the child. He understood that this child was special and would carry out the redemptive act of God. Thus, Joseph approached life with the intent of whatever the cost I will protect this child and focus on doing for this child what the Lord expects. The same is true today. Our focus must be on that child, Jesus. We must be ready to pay the cost to follow Him faithfully.

The heart of Joseph faced the difficulties of life with a focus and trust in the Lord. As followers of Christ, we face many trials, struggles, and predicaments. The key to navigating these moments does not come from the self’s strength, but instead, a sold-out allegiance and trust in the Lord. In this Christmas season, may we commit to the Lord to seek Him and follow Him with our entire self. May this Christmas be the season we give ourselves as the gift to the Lord.


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O Little Town of Bethlehem