Is Your CHRISTmas Tree Real or Artificial

As a child, I remember going as a family to a Christmas tree farm to select a tree. We would walk through the various trees that consisted of various sizes looking for the perfect tree to cut down and bring home. Once the tree arrived home, we positioned the tree in the stand and began to decorate the tree with lights and ornaments. Throughout the season, the tree needed to be watered to remain vibrant and green. Then one day everything changed. No longer did we seek the perfect tree at a tree farm, but instead we purchased an artificial tree that could be used several years and mimicked a real tree.

Far too often, people have exchanged real Christianity with an artificial substitute. Externally the two look similar, but the internal level differs vastly. Like an artificial Christmas tree, the artificial Christian mirrors many habits of a true believer. The individual attends church and participates in the activities of the church. The person may serve on a committee or in leadership positions. This individual participates in worship just like others in attendance. The external view of the artificial Christian looks like one who is authentic in their relationship with Christ.

The real difference occurs at the internal level. The artificial Christian is hollow and empty. The trunk of the tree is nothing more than an empty pipe that has no desire for thirsting after the Lord. The entire focus of such a life centers on the external appearance and an attitude that the life does not need attending to. The core of their life desires only what they want and is motivated by selfishness. The artificial Christian sees themselves as better than others and believe that church ought to be what they think it is. In essence, the artificial Christian seeks to create a Jesus that is plastic and in their image. The artificial Christian wants the presence of the glory of the artificial tree without the work and change to be real.

The artificial Christmas tree can be put up and left alone, but a real Christmas tree takes effort, care, and attention. The artificial Christian and the real Christian appear similar on an outward level. Like the artificial Christian, the real believer attends church, serves in various forms at the church, and joins in the moment of worship. Though externally similar, the difference is great in the internal level.

The real Christian is filled and alive. Where the artificial is a hollow pipe, the genuine believer is filled with the Holy Spirit and longs for Jesus. The real Christian longs for the living water that brings nutrients and growth to the soul. The real believer seeks to grow in righteousness and follow the ways of the Lord no matter what the world thinks. The intent of the genuine believer is to grow and mature in Christ and be surrendered to His will. The life is defined by selflessness instead of selfishness. The worship of the Lord and serving Him is not based on personal desires or likes but centered on the Lord. The desire of the true believer is to follow the Lord and not form a Lord to follow.

During this Christmas season there will be many artificial and real Christmas trees that will be decorated. On the outside many of these trees will look similar and hard to distinguish. But internally a great difference exists. In your life, you must ask if you are only externally following

Jesus or if you are following with all that you are. Is your life with Christ like the artificial Christmas tree or a real Christmas tree? Do you long for the Lord or do you long for your thoughts and desires? Do you focus on the self or on being selfless and sacrificing your life to Christ? This Christmas season is a great time to experience the real CHRISTmas tree and remove the artificial Christmas tree in your life.


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