A Resting Relationship

Read the Text: Matthew 11

Memorize the Text:   Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45-46)

 Consider the Text: Matthew 11:28-30

We often become worn down when we busy ourselves with the work of religion. We become more focused on what we think others expect of us instead of finding our worth and value in a relationship with Jesus. In Matthew 11, we find that John the Baptist deals with a moment of doubt concerning Jesus and the issue with a works-based belief. Jesus provided a summation of his desire for us when he spoke of the burdened coming to him and finding rest. In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus calls us to experience a resting relationship.

Jesus revealed the truth of the BURDEN OF RELIGION. Jesus declared, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28, CSB). The thought of burden and weariness often draws our minds to think about the moments of difficulty in life. In this passage, the context reveals that Jesus identifies the religion of the religious leaders in Israel as a burden and weariness on the people. The religious approach mandated that individuals kept the law of the Lord and the law established by the religious leaders to keep God's law. Such a life of works led to a system that would carry a significant burden and cause weariness by keeping the laws. 

The activity of spiritual rule-keeping and finding favor before God because of our activity drives us to live a life of burden in a significant weariness. Though we ought to serve the Kingdom of God, our service must not become the basis of our salvation and worth before the Lord. Such an approach guides us to attempt redeeming ourselves through faithful service and not through a faith-based relationship in Christ. Thus, religion becomes a burden 

Jesus called us to respond to the RESTING RELATIONSHIP. Jesus identified an issue people face is the burden of religion. Instead of allowing that burden to continue, he offers an avenue to victory. Jesus invited those trapped in the weariness of religion to come to him, and in him, rest will be found. Jesus invited people to a relationship that provided relief from the impossible task of redeeming the self through activity. Jesus extends the offer to those who hear the call that they may receive the offer and experience the goodness of a relationship with him. 

Jesus did not allow for the rest to be experienced in any manner other than a relationship with him. Instead, Jesus pointed to the truth that a true redeeming relationship comes in Christ alone. Thus, Jesus revealed that the only hope to find favor with God does not exist in religion but in a relationship with Christ alone that provides a rest that surpasses all understanding. 

Jesus detailed the HIS ROLE in our lives. The invitation extended by Jesus revealed that he must be identified as the Savior in one's life. As Savior, Jesus brought forth the only avenue for people to become reconciled with God. The work on the cross and the victory in the resurrection provided the needed sacrifice and victory to conquer the death we deserve and pay the eternal debt we owe. Thus, Jesus must be received as Savior.

Jesus must not be accepted as Savior alone but as Lord. Jesus used the illustration of the yoke to explain this truth. Farmers used a yoke to control the oxen used in the fields. The yoke would be placed over the animal's neck and provided the ability for the farmer to guide the steps of the oxen in the field. So likewise, taking on the yoke of the Lord means that we allow him to be the one who guides us. We let the placing of his yoke upon our lives because of his lordship in our lives and surrender complete control to his leading. The life of rest means that Jesus not only redeems as Savior but leads as Lord. 

Jesus defined the REAL DIFFERENCE between religion and a relationship. Matthew 11 provided a picture of the difference between religion and relationship. We find stability and assurance in a relationship when moments of doubt creep in. John the Baptist experienced such a moment as the chapter opened when he sent individuals to find out if Jesus indeed was the Messiah. At this moment, Jesus provided assurance based in a relationship that existed.

Religion demands obedience. Jesus spoke into such a culture and an unresponsive generation and invited them to know him. The unresponsive generation focused on religious activity for faithfulness and reconciliation with God. It becomes concerned with what the religious leaders said instead of the invitation of the Lord. The religious called for obedience to the law over a relationship with Christ and brought a burden and weariness to the people 

Jesus declared the difference between the way of the religious leaders and his way. The calling of the Lord to rest in a relationship with him comes not because of deserving the rest in obedience but from the extension of grace and mercy from the Lord. Jesus revealed that religious activity without a relationship with Christ does not redeem but leaves us in a weary and burdened state. 

A temptation exists to busy our lives with working for Jesus. Though such activity serves as evidence of our relationship with Jesus, it must never become the basis of our righteousness or justification. As you search your life, do you find a burden from religion? Is your religious activity keeping you from the freedom found in a relationship with Christ? What is your basis for justification before the Lord? May our heart desire to seek a resting relationship of faithfulness before the Lord. 

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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