What’s In Your Storeroom?

Read the Text: Matthew 12

Memorize the Text:   Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls. When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it. (Matthew 13:45-46)

 Consider the Text: Matthew 12:33-37

Jesus often included agriculture as illustrations to teach eternal truths. For example, in Matthew 12:33-37, he used the link between a tree and the fruit that the tree produces to evaluate and distinguish a person's heart. This truth extends today and serves as a tool for us to assess our lives and to set a course for growth in a healthy manner. So notice the truths Jesus challenges us with today. 

First, the tree is EITHER GOOD OR BAD. Jesus distinguished only two categories for the trees, good and bad. He did not allow for a middle ground. Such a statement points to the truth that we either live for Jesus or against Jesus. In Revelation 3, John on the island of Patmos warned of a lukewarm state that existed as neither hot nor cold. The concept means that sort of for Jesus is not with Jesus. Thus, marked as good or bad identifies whether we are all in or out in our relationship with Jesus. 

Second, the fruit is the EVIDENCE OF THE HEART. The heart exists as the storeroom of good or bad. People use storerooms as a location to store items until a need arises. In an agricultural sense, the farmer stored the tree's produce in this location for later use. The state of the fruit in storage directly correlates to the use of the fruit when the time comes. If the fruit is ruined in the storeroom, then the fruit will be ruined when used. Likewise, if the fruit is stored as good, then the fruit will be good at the time of use. 

This illustration revealed that what a person inputs into their heart will be the driving force of their life. When we allow the bad nature of the flesh to dominate our hearts, then the motivation, activities, and words of our life will mirror that storeroom. In the chapter, Jesus leans into the previous truth from dealing with a demon-possessed man by showing how life does not survive divided. We cannot produce good fruit with a bad storeroom and vice versa. 

Third, the state of the tree and fruit points to an ETERNAL REALITY. The impact of the decision to live producing good or bad fruit carries a moment of judgment. When apples are collected off trees at an orchard, they are evaluated. In this event, an inspector evaluates the apples for blemishes or issues. If an issue is discovered, the apple is removed and destroyed because only good fruit continues to the selling floor. The reality is that each apple faces a moment of judgment that cannot be reversed or changed because the time of the judgment of the fruit came. 

In a spiritual sense, like the apple facing evaluation, so do we face a moment of judgment. This judgment is final and eternal. It cannot be reversed. We can only prepare to be good fruit before the moment of judgment. Jesus makes it clear that all of us will face a moment of judgment before the Lord and that the words, actions, and motivations of our life will demand a response. Ultimately, the storeroom will receive the judgment. Is our storeroom loaded with the relationship of Jesus or with the relationship of the self? The bad fruit will face eternal punishment, while the good fruit will receive the eternal reward. 

Fourth, we must take a moment to EXAMINE OUR HEART. An examination of the heart means we intentionally evaluate what we place in the storeroom of our life. This examination includes analyzing the desires and pursuits of our life. We need to assess what we put into the storeroom to judge whether the fruit is good or bad. When we discover bad fruit, we must repent and seek the Lord. When we discover good fruit, we must continue storing good fruit. Constant evaluation allows for a continual check to assure spiritual health and growth. So what is the status of the fruit in your storeroom? What evidence concerning your heart comes from the fruit in your life?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


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