Read the Text: Titus 3

Memorize the Text:  

He gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works.

(Titus 2:14, CSB)

Consider the Text: Titus 3

Kindness does not appear as a consistent trait within the world today. When we engage in social media, watch the media, and engage in conversation, we find that divisive, quarreling speech exists all around us. This activity counters the expectations of a Christ follower as the Lord expects his children to extend the kindness he demonstrated to them in Christ. The apostle Paul closed the book of Titus by addressing the need to demonstrate kindness to all people. The command to kindness extends from genuine love that comes only from Christ and the type of love that leads to the kindness that Christ modeled in the act to offer salvation. When we follow Christ, we must follow the model set forth by Christ and pursue a life that extends kindness to others.


The apostle Paul noted that Jesus demonstrated kindness by saving us. The kindness of God flowed from his deep love for humanity and his deep desire to redeem humanity. Kindness expressed the work of Christ to create an avenue to salvation even though we could never deserve or earn it. God’s kindness came because of his mercy and grace. God’s kindness became known in mercy because he offered to withhold the punishment of death we deserve. His kindness extended through the presence of grace as the Lord offered what we did not deserve. Thus, the Lord showed the impact and manner of living in kindness in Christ.

The demonstration of kindness by Christ provides a model of how we must seek to live a life of extending kindness. In a world that exists in constant quarreling and division, kindness illuminates the goodness and offering of Christ. Do you seek to extend the kindness of Christ to others? 


The apostle charged Titus to extend kindness to others and to train other believers to do the same. Paul noted that kindness must extend to all people and that believers must not become selective of when and to whom they extend kindness. A believer needs to extend kindness to the individual who does not know the Lord in the same way kindness needs to extend to those in the Body of Christ. The presence of kindness reveals the kindness of God that offers salvation to all that would receive Christ in faith.

The apostle noted that kindness is profitable and occurs when a believer extends gentleness to others. Gentleness happens when a Christian engages others with grace, mercy, and truth. The believer's intention must be to mirror the gentleness of Christ so that those around them experience the kindness of the Lord. Thus, believers today need to model kindness because it exists as part of the character of one who lives for Christ.

Are you living in kindness? Are you mirroring the kindness Christ displayed on the cross? We must seek to be kind to all people so that we serve as faithful witnesses and examples of Christ. The absence of kindness is the presence of sin in one’s life. Thus, we must avoid withholding kindness.


The apostle reminded Titus that engagement in foolish debates, participating in divisive activities or rhetoric, and detesting others lives in sin. Foolish debates occur when topics cause division and the issues do not carry eternal weight. These debates happen when one’s opinion becomes truth, and as a result, they enter an unable state of agreeing to disagree. Such debates destroy the witness and produce sin.

Likewise, the apostle charged Titus to avoid divisive people. People often use rhetoric or action to cause a divide within society and churches. They speak in foolishness. They find avenues to gain support secretly and talk to others about the issue instead of dealing with it biblically or directly. Division occurs because the perceptions, perspectives, and assumptions become the narrative, and the genuine conversation to discover the truth never happens. The apostle says such action is slipping into sin and bringing forth self-condemnation.

What areas of your life have you withheld kindness? Have you responded in harshness and anger instead of kindness? Have you participated in causing division instead of bringing others to Christ? If you have entered foolish debates, practice divisiveness, and detest others, seek forgiveness through repentance. Commit to living a life of kindness for the sake of illuminating Christ. Commit to: BE KIND.

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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