Does Your Life Bring Joy to Others
Read the Text: Philemon
Memorize the Text:
He gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for himself a people for his own possession, eager to do good works.
(Titus 2:14, CSB)
Consider the Text: Philemon 4-7
A parent often finds joy and encouragement when their child represents the family well. This activity may center around how they interacted with others, an action of kindness by the child toward another, or even an achievement. The parent finds joy and encouragement because the child lives out what they have received from the parent. In the same way, the apostle Paul acknowledges that he receives joy and encouragement because of the faith and love in Philemon’s life. Today, as we think about our lives, do we live in faith and love in a manner that brings others in the faith joy and encouragement?
The apostle Paul noted that Philemon brought joy and encouragement to the apostle because of his genuine faith. Unlike other individuals Paul addressed in other letters, the faith of Philemon proves genuine. Philemon’s faith rests in his relationship with Jesus and exists at a heart level, not in his mental state alone. Likewise, Philemon demonstrates a life of faith through obedience to the ways of the Lord and trusting his life to the Lord completely. The apostle receives encouragement and joy in hearing the testimony of a life of genuine faith.
Today, believers need to find joy and encouragement when they see others living out genuine faith. When genuine believers walk with Christ as a family, the testimony of faith in each believer’s life encourages faithfulness in others. What individual encourages you and brings you joy because of their genuine faith? How can you find avenues to encourage others to live out genuine faith?
Paul acknowledged Philemon’s character of love for all the saints. The presence of love flowed from Philemon’s love for the Lord, and as a result, he loved the entirety of the saints because he loved them in Christ. His horizontal love for others occurred because of his vertical love for God and his faithful obedience to loving others like Jesus. Ultimately, Paul receives encouragement and joy in this because Philemon follows the Great Commandment of loving God and others. He does not attempt to love selectively but loves others when they are lovable and unlovable.
Today, believers need to strive to love others as Jesus loves them. However, such love only occurs when our love of God (vertical) controls our love for others (horizontal). Such a life means that Christ becomes the avenue that propels our love for others and that this love occurs because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and our submission to his leading and work in life. So, how do you love others? Does your love for others mirror the love of Christ and extend from your love for Christ?
Like a parent finds joy in the proper activities that demonstrate obedience, character, and love, we can bring joy to other believers and encourage their faith when we live in faith and love. How can you demonstrate the love of Christ to others today? How can you model walking in faith? Strive to encourage others in words and deeds by living out faith and love.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at