The Bread of Life
Read the Text: John 6
Memorize the Text: Don’t you say, “There are still four more months, and then comes the harvest? Listen to what I’m telling you: Open your eyes and look at the fields because they are ready for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Consider the Text: John 6:35,41,48,51
Jesus defined himself in a series of “I am” statements. These statements declared vital characteristics about who he was, is, and will be. When we understand Jesus’ statement concerning being the bread of life, we must note that he reveals how he fulfills the hunger that exists in our life because of our God-shaped hole. As we read through John 6, may we seek to be filled by Christ and allow him to be the only fulfilling portion of our deepest need.
We must understand the EXISTING HUNGER. People hunger after Christ. This hungering causes us to seek Christ improperly. This occurs when we seek Christ based on personal gain and achievement. This motive centers on the pride of life and seeks to glorify the self instead of the Lord. At the same time, other people seek Jesus but do not fully understand him. They verbally affirm Jesus but do not grasp the need to be a disciple who constantly grows and matures in the Lord. Thus, they continue to hunger and want. Other people hunger but refuse to allow the Lord to fill them because they need evidential proof. They want Jesus to show them the manna before they will feast.
We must see JESUS AS THE FULFILLING BREAD. Jesus is the bread that gives eternal life. The crowd in John 6 desired to have a duplication of the miracle brought forth by Moses. The miracle that came through Moses existed as a temporary blessing that faded. As the bread of life, Jesus provides genuine, eternal life because he is the eternal and genuine bread. As the bread of life, he is the one who satisfies life. The receiving of this satisfaction comes only when we come and believe on his terms.
When we become fulfilled by Christ, we receive the bread that leads to a resurrection of life. Unlike lost fragments, believers never are lost in Christ. Each believer has the certainty of life that will not be removed or ignored. The promise is that of the resurrected body and the reality of eternal life. Likewise, the certainty of eternal life comes with the promise of the indwelled life. As we live in the guarantee of eternal life, God is with us and indwells with us in the person of the Holy Spirit and as a result, provides his constant presence.
We must hear the WORDS OF JESUS. Jesus provided four key truths about himself. Jesus declared that he exclusively offers satisfaction. The offerings of the world fade away, but the ways of Christ are everlasting fulfillment. This exists as truth because Jesus is from heaven. He is heaven’s gift and offered sacrifice that makes salvation possible. This occurs because Jesus alone is all that one needed to fill the gap between God and humanity. The closing of this gap comes as Jesus is the living bread who provides the needed living nutrients for a genuine spiritual and eternal life.
Jesus defined himself as the bread of life. He is the only true fulfillment for the spiritual hunger that exists due to the presence of sin in our life and our separation from the Lord. As we reflect on these words, may we rest in the certainty that our filling comes in Christ alone. If we recognize that it doesn’t, then may we seek to respond to his offer of filling us in salvation and be filled with the bread of life.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at