Jesus as Savior and Lord
Read the Text: John 7
Memorize the Text: Don’t you say, “There are still four more months, and then comes the harvest? Listen to what I’m telling you: Open your eyes and look at the fields because they are ready for harvest.” (John 4:35)
Consider the Text: John 7
Who is Jesus? This question rests as the most pivotal question that people must answer. Unfortunately, many people do not have a proper view of who Jesus is and as a result, do not authentically know Jesus. In John 7, we find that various people view Jesus in different ways and do not truly know Jesus in a proper way. Thus, we need to make sure we know Jesus as both Savior and Lord.
Some people who should believe in Jesus authentically doubt and deny his identity. The half-brothers of Jesus watched the Messiah grow up and knew of his perfect nature. They properly heard of the birth narrative not from the written gospel, but from Mary and Joseph. Yet, those who were familiar with Jesus struggled to fully believe in him as the needed Messiah. Similarly, people, today may grow up in a Christian home or attending church and still deny the identity of Christ. So like the brothers, people today deny Jesus’ identity even though they have heard the good news.
Other people attempt to use logic to deny the identity of Christ. Some of the people questioned the identity of Jesus by reflecting on his previous activities. They used the logic of people to make sense of Jesus’ claims and work. Thus, they limited his true identity and as a result, could not fully receive him. People today read the good news and attempt to lessen the work and acts of Jesus by understanding them through the realm of humanity. This response is a response of denial.
Other people view Jesus as nothing more than a prophet. Several of the people in John 7 believed that Jesus was a holy man but was nothing more than a prophet. One who spoke the message of the Lord for the people but they refused to see him as the prophesied Messiah. This misunderstanding elevated Jesus to a religious individual of respect but did not fully grasp the truth. People today see Jesus as a respectable man, but often deny him as the Messiah. They see him as holy but not divine. As a result, they give Jesus respect but miss the offered gift of eternal life.
Jesus must be seen as the only Savior and Lord. Jesus is the Savior. To understand Jesus properly means that we know Jesus as the one and only Savior, the Redeemer of the world. As Savior, Jesus rescues sinners from the deserved death they face because of their rebellion against the Lord. Jesus is the exclusive Savior because salvation is not available through any other means. Thus, people, today must receive Jesus as Savior in order to receive eternal life.
Jesus must be understood as Lord as well. This means that Jesus is granted authority in life and we choose to live under this authority. The lordship of Christ reveals that we place him as the top priority in our lives and we seek to follow him as he leads us and guides us. We live in a posture of surrender as we seek to live in faithfulness. These two needed areas of understanding drive us to analyze and make sure that we know Jesus as Savior and Lord.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at