Jesus is the Light of the World
Read the Text: John 8
Memorize the Text: Jesus spoke to them again, “I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
Consider the Text: John 8:12
As Jesus comes to this declaration, the Festival of Tabernacles was taking place. This festival was a time of remembrance for the Jews which celebrated the provision of the Lord during the years of wandering in the desert. Each morning of the festival, the priest would travel to the Pool of Siloam and retrieve water to pour on the brazen altar. The Jews would use candles each evening to serve as a reminder of the Lord’s leading at night as a pillar of fire. This setting serves as the backdrop for Jesus’ declaration that he is the light of the world.
Jesus described himself as THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. This declaration meant that Jesus is the one who will illuminate the darkness. When living in the darkness, one cannot see the reality of their condition because of the darkness. They wander around aimlessly without a direction or purpose because of their inability to see. Christ, as the light, illuminates the real nature of the darkness and distinguishes it for what it truly is. Thus, the presence of Christ reveals darkness.
As the light of the world, Jesus is the one who illuminates the pathway of the believer. Like the children of Israel needed guidance during their wandering, so do believers need the Lord’s guidance to navigate their journey. Without the pathway illuminated, one travels without the knowledge of direction or threats that exist along the journey. Unlike a battery-powered flashlight that will stop illuminating when the battery dies, the illumination of Christ is eternal and unending.
The CONDITION OF DARKNESS is counter to the way of the light. When one walks consumed by the darkness, then they journey without the knowledge of their destination and as a result wander aimlessly. Sinfulness blinds people from the leading and direction of the Lord and thus blocks one from the wisdom of the Lord. This aimless journey becomes defined by the ways of Satan and the acts that exist in rebellion against the ways of the Lord.
The journey of darkness defines the life of one without Christ as Lord and Savior in one’s life. Thus, the individuals travel a path that ends in a place of eternal separation from the Lord and a place of everlasting punishment in a place called hell. Thus, just like living in the light, remaining in the darkness leads down a path of eternal darkness.
There must be a COMMITMENT OF WALKING IN THE LIGHT. When one walks in the light, he or she commits to walk in the ways of the Lord. This means that the person seeks to grow in their relationship with the Lord and to live out the ways of the Lord. This form of life is marked by the commitment to surrender and follow the Lord. In surrender, the follower lays down the hindrance that tempts them from following the Lord in complete faithfulness. Ultimately, this serves as a sign of trusting in the work of the Lord completely.
God desires for everyone to leave the domain of darkness and to live in the light. This transfer from the darkness to the light comes only through a relationship with Christ. He alone offers redemption and forgiveness. The Apostle Paul reminded us of this in Colossians 1 when he penned, “He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at