The Bride, The King, The Victory
Read the Text: Revelation 19
Memorize the Text:
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look, God’s dwelling is with humanity, and he will live with them. They will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away.
(Revelation 21:3-4, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 19
As Revelation 18 occurs, we find that the end times bring great destruction for those who oppose the Lord. At the same time, the Book of Revelation reveals that victory and blessing await those who follow the Lord and trust Him. In Revelation 19, we find that John addressed the bride's purification, the King's return, and the victory claimed. These topics must provide believers with great hope.
Believers live in a constant process of sanctification. This process occurs as believers mature and grow to become more like Christ. Though believers receive the title of righteous at justification, this does not mean they live in perfection. Instead, believers live in a constant process of growth known as sanctification. This process culminates in glorification when the bride, the church, becomes purified and perfect. As the Lord returns, the church becomes purified and thus carries out righteous acts and prepares for eternity with Christ. Today, believers must seek to grow in sanctification and trust in the purification that comes from the Lord.
The apostle John reveals the promise of the return of Christ. This return does not occur as an infant in a manger but as the divine warrior king. He returns to claim the final victory over the evil one and bring forth the reality of the final judgment upon the enemy. As Christ returns, he comes accompanied by the armies of believers. The redeemed come with their divine, warrior King to claim the victory that Christ won. So today, believers must rest in the promise of Christ's return as this warrior King and in the promise of being able to accompany our King.
The final battle between the Lord and the enemy occurs as the enemy attempts to attack and overtake Christ. Finally, the onslaught is stopped, and the enemy faces defeat. The defeat marks not the end of a battle but the end of the war. The victory of Christ is guaranteed, and He will never be overtaken. Thus, the army of the redeemed claim victory in Christ and with Christ. The ultimate triumph encourages believers today to find hope in sure victory and eternity.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at