Babylon and Believers
Read the Text: Revelation 18
Memorize the Text:
Then I heard a loud voice from the throne: Look, God’s dwelling is with humanity, and he will live with them. They will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them and will be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; grief, crying, and pain will be no more, because the previous things have passed away.
(Revelation 21:3-4, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 18
The apostle John continues to reveal prophecy concerning the end times as he launches Revelation 18. In this section of Revelation, the apostle centers on the fall of Babylon, the final verdict against Babylon, and how believers must endure and persevere through this time. As we look at this chapter, may we pray for the Lord to guide us in living alert, committed, and faithful.
The apostle notes that Babylon seems successful in the eyes of the world. This rule seems to bring a false sense of peace and security. The reality is that the evil ruler only desires to build a kingdom for himself and rejects Lord. The ruler guides the world down a path of accepting wickedness and turning their back on the Lord. This occurs as the leader utilizes great deception to fool the people and lead them astray. This rebellious action against the Lord set the course for the fall of Babylon. Thus, today, we must guard against accepting the world's wicked ways as acceptable. When this occurs, the world's influence turns us against the ways of the Lord.
John challenges believers to live separate from the ways of Babylon and to guard the self against falling prey to the ways of Babylon. The warning comes as a call to living alert of the threat of conformity to the ways of the world and a challenge to live in faithfulness to the Lord. The apostle John calls believers not to become associated with Babylon because one cannot serve two masters. Therefore, believers cannot be associated with Babylon and the Lord. Today, believers need to heed the warning to not associate with the ways of the world. When believers become conformed and accept the wickedness of the world, then they turn their backs on the Lord.
The apostle spoke to the end of Babylon's rule. He reveals that though the world may find success in Babylon that the Lord sees wickedness. As a result, the Lord brings destruction and ruin to this nation. The remains of the destruction will not revive and heal; instead, this destruction is final and everlasting. The truth comes that the justice of the Lord will occur and that the Lord will not be overcome because he is the true Victor. Today, we must recognize that the world's wickedness cannot outrun the judgment of the Lord. The ways of the world are a path that leads people to the place of destruction.
The words of John should challenge believers today to live for the Lord and to seek to associate with His kingdom alone. The prophecy must charge believers to live alert and on guard. Such a life is needed to notice the shifts around us and maintain a life that obeys and follows the Lord. The words also charge believers to live committed to the Lord alone. We must live in a manner that reveals our genuine commitment to the Lord. Likewise, we must live in faithfulness. Thus, our lives must be living in a way that reflects and illuminates the Lord and not the world.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at