The Enemy, The Victor, The Saints
Read the Text: Revelation 17
Memorize the Text:
I heard the altar say, Yes, Lord God, the Almighty, true and just are your judgments.
(Revelation 16:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 17
TThe apostle John spoke of the woman, the beast, the Lord, and the saints in Revelation 17. The woman and the beast formed the reality of the coming Great Enemy as the end times occurs. Likewise, John reminds readers that the Ultimate Victor is the Lord and that the faithful saints, believers, receive the reward from the Lord. Let us take a moment to reflect on each of the enemies, victor, and saints.
When we read about the woman and the beast, we must recognize that the enemy speaks false truth and carries out false wonders. When John speaks of the woman, he centers the conversation around the ability to appear appealing and lead people astray. These traits appeared in the fall of humanity when the serpent made the tree appealing to Eve and led her astray. Thus, the woman leads people astray by combining enough truth with lies to make her teaching and declaration seem true.
The beast adds merit to the woman's declarations through various signs and wonders that do not come from the Lord. These signs and wonders seem to support the false prophet's rhetoric and teaching and aid the enemy's ability to lead people astray from the Lord and the truth. John’s mentioning of the beast refers to the resurrection of the false prophet who lives filled by the demon from the abyss who faces eternity in Hell. Thus, the woman and the beast represent this grave enemy.
John does not end his words with the presence of the enemy, but he moves to mention that the enemy becomes defeated by the Lamb. Thus, Jesus conquers the great enemy. The conquering occurs as the Lord has complete sovereignty and all authority and power. These characteristics lead to the final victory over the enemy.
The mentioning of the Lamb reminds us of the true sacrificial Lamb, Jesus, who gave his life for humanity, and claims eternal victory over death and the enemy so that those who believe in him gain access to the victory. The term Lamb identifies Christ as the sacrifice, and the idea of victory reminds us of the Lion characteristic as well. Thus, God wins because he is the Lord of lords and the King of kings. As a result, we today hold to the reality of this promised victory and live in the certainty of it.
John declares that those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ participate in the victory. He calls them the chosen and faithful. As the chosen, believers follow Jesus as Lord and Savior and live as righteous because of the Lord. The chosen are marked by following Jesus in faithfulness and seeking to live obediently. Thus, they seek to live faithfully to the Lord and the truth.
Today, believers still hold the title of chosen and faithful. We combat the enemy that attempts to lead us astray from the Lord. As a result, we must rest in the promise of victory in Christ and the great victory to come. As the chosen and faithful, we must live with the certainty that victory is guaranteed and live in a manner that lives knowing that God wins.
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at