Bring Them to Jesus

Read the Text: Mark 2

Memorize the Text:   Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Consider the Text: Mark 2:1-12

People have a terminal illness because of sin in their life. This sin disease demands that eternal wrath be experienced, but God loves us so much that he formed a way that the penalty we deserve could be dealt with through the work of Christ and entering a personal relationship with him. As believers, we desire that those around us would experience the greatness of salvation, and thus we should seek every means possible to bring them to Jesus. In Mark 2, we read of four friends that did whatever it took to get their friend in need of healing to Jesus. May we be challenged to compare our desire to share Jesus with others to these four men through this event. 

We must examine and see if we are THE CROWD. The crowd that surrounded Jesus came with an agenda. They desired to hear an amazing word of truth and to experience the mighty works of Christ. They came to Jesus to find out what he could do for them. The crowd gathered did not seek to know Jesus and understand what it meant to follow him but wanted to be served. Thus, we need to assess if our attitude about Jesus centers on what is in it for us. 

We need to examine if our CONCERN is like the men who brought their friend. The men responded because they were concerned for the paralyzed friend. They saw the hopelessness of his life and viewed Jesus as the only available hope to deal with his condition. By seeing Jesus as the cure, the men sought to do whatever was needed to get their friend to Jesus. The concern for their friend would drive them to the action. When we look at those around us in lostness, are we moved by a concern to take them to Jesus no matter what? 

When we seek to do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus, certain moments call for us to be CRAFTY. The men bring their friend faced the obstacle of the crowd blocking the path to Jesus. The pathway appeared cluttered and chaotic and challenging to navigate. Instead of stopping because of the barrier, the men sought to overcome the obstacle. They created a way to get their friend to Jesus when normal avenues were blocked. Likewise, we will face obstacles in getting our friends to Jesus. Will we be crafty and overcome whatever obstacle may form?

The people around Jesus CRITICIZED the work of Jesus and sought to stop the work. The critics questioned how Jesus could heal a person like this and, more importantly, how Jesus could forgive sin. Their view of tradition and ritual kept them from seeing what God was doing at the moment. As a result, they desired to stop the unfamiliar and new because they sought routine and comfort. The critical response came from the self-centered approach to gathering around Jesus instead of viewing the needs of others. We need to guard ourselves against becoming critics that hinder people from coming to Jesus because of what we perceive as right or wrong. 

The paralyzed man met Jesus because his friends cared more about him getting to Jesus than the thoughts of the gathered crowd. They brought the man and faced any hurdle with craftiness to overcome the obstacle. Their heartbeat centered on engaging Jesus. In the same way, do we seek to bring others to Jesus so that they can experience the saving grace of Christ? Do we do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at


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