Who’s Your In Crowd?

Read the Text: Mark 3

Memorize the Text:   If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. (Mark 3:24)

Consider the Text: Mark 3:7-19

The “in crowd” is considered the group of people who define popularity. The culture looks to these individuals for the fashion trends, popular idioms, and coolness factors. People strive to mirror these trends and place themselves in social circles within the “in crowd.” The same reality occurs in the church. Pews are filled each Sunday with non-committed and committed followers of Christ. The separating factor of these church members exists in what each does with Jesus. In Mark 3:7-19, we find two different people who followed Jesus differently. They challenge us to ask which “in crowd” with which we identify?

The first crowd consists of the NON-COMMITTED FOLLOWERS. The non-committed followed Jesus with intrigue. Mark declared that these individuals followed because of what Jesus was doing. The news of his healings and miracles had come to their ears, and they wanted to see the evidence of these works. Some were amid pain and sought to experience the work of Christ personally and were intrigued by what Jesus could do for them and desired to be near him. In what ways do people seek to follow Jesus today because of the intrigue that comes from the work he is still doing?

The non-committed followed with intensity as well. Mark tells us that Jesus needed a small boat to stand on since the crowds were pushing against him. The passion and fervor of the crowd were great. Their desire seemed to demonstrate a deep desire to follow Jesus and had the appearance of being on fire for the Lord. The intensity flowed not from their passion for following Jesus but from receiving what Jesus could do for them. The intrigue led to intensity. How do people follow Jesus with misplaced intensity today?

The non-committed focused on finding their identity as a follower. The Gospel writer shared that the people pressed against Jesus with the desire of touching him. The people would hope to identify with Jesus. They were not concerned with soul change or becoming new, but instead, they wanted to be known as one who was present when Christ was performing his great works and miracles. The same mentality can exist today. In what ways do people in church attempt to be identified as a follower of Christ without being an authentic follower?

The second crowd comprises of COMMITTED FOLLOWERS. The committed followers were made of the twelve disciples Jesus had assembled. These individuals were separated from the un-committed followers by the response to the call of Christ to follow him. Their response did not stop at the initial following but continued as Jesus commanded and directed them. Mark shared that when Jesus summoned them to come and join him on the mountain that they came to him. This demonstrated the mark of a committed follower; they respond to the call. The call of Christ today is a continual call to obedience as well. How are you doing in answering the call of Christ? 

As the committed followed Jesus, they received a commission. The commission came as a direct command to follow in obedience. The call began with being with Jesus as disciples and continued being ambassadors sent out by the Master. They received the commission to preach the message of the gospel as they had watched Christ do. The call meant that being near Jesus included serving Jesus and following in obedience. The committed follower did not seek to find what Jesus did for them but instead sought to live for Jesus. As God continues to commission us to his service, how are you at carrying out the commission of the Lord?

The disciples could have easily told Jesus that they did not have the ability to carry out the task. Such a response would have been a true statement since none of us can carry out the will of God in our strength and talents. However, as committed followers, the disciples trusted that since Jesus called them that he would provide the capability to carry out the mission. Mark told how they receive the authority to cast out demons, and this authority came only because of Jesus. Jesus calls us today not because of our ability but because of our availability. He works in our life and provides us the capability to carry out his calling.

The question we are left to CONSIDER: WHO’S YOUR IN CROWD? This question comes from analyzing one’s relationship with Jesus. We must consider our desire and approach to Jesus. Do we seek to be like the non-committed and desire Jesus to serve us and to be identified as being in the vicinity of Christ, or do we seek to be known as a committed follower of Christ? The church is filled with both forms of followers; which identifies you?

This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at equippingfaith.com. Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at equippingfaith.com.


Lord, Do You Care?


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