The Coming Day of Judgment
Read the Text: Revelation 11
Memorize the Text:
We give you thanks, Lord God, the Almighty, who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign.
(Revelation 11:17, CSB)
Consider the Text: Revelation 11:17-18
We live in a world plagued by rebellion against the Lord. This rebellion manifests itself in the activities that this world approves that do not align with the truth or character of the Lord. The entrance of sin into humanity separated people from the Lord and set them on a collision course with God’s wrath. But God loved the world so greatly that He brought forth a way for redemption. The Lord does not force anyone to receive the gift of redemption but offers this gift to each and every individual. In light of this reality, a day is coming at the end when humanity will face the Day of Judgment before the Lord.
The apostle John mentioned that 24 elders left their thrones and fell face down before the Lord. These elders announced the all-powerful nature of the Lord in the declaration of “Lord, God Almighty.” The elders praise God because of His ability, strength, and omnipotence. At the same time, the elders worshiped the Lord because of his eternal nature. They rejoice because the Lord remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will not be overtaken, and he will provide a constant foundation. This truth becomes evident because His reign is eternal and all-powerful. Thus, the elders rejoice in the judge because He alone is worthy to judge humanity.
John notes that the Lord judges all of humanity. No one escapes the judgment of the Lord, and all face the eternal result of the judgment. The reward of eternal life with the Lord is received for the child of God. This reward includes the ability to serve and worship the Lord forever in His presence. At the same time, the reward consists of the fullness of the restored body and perfection. The promise of this judgment should provide hope and encouragement throughout life. The promise will not be broken because it comes with the guarantee of the person and character of the Lord.
The individual who rejects becoming a child of God faces the reality of eternal punishment. The eternal sentence of the enemy of God includes the eternal dwelling of Hell and the eternal torment of God’s wrath. The judgment is final and cannot be reversed. There is no second chance or ability to say yes to Jesus after death. Instead, the judgment seat of the Lord is a place of eternal, certain judgment. The elders declare this truth as they acknowledge the Lord’s justice.
The end of time should challenge us to recognize the reality of the coming eternal judgment. We should see the witness of the 24 elders as the call to respond to Jesus as Savior and Lord and to call others to follow Christ. The elders prove the significance and eternal nature of the coming judgment of the Lord. The coming reality must call us to ask the self, “what have I done with Jesus?” and to ask others, “what have you done with Jesus?”
This blog is part of the Coffee and Quiet Time with Jesus Devotional Series found at Join the journey of reading through the New Testament this year. More information can be found at